Dirty (not so) Little Secrets
I just learned a huge, dirty secret about how bank failures work that we should all know about. Due to a massive gap in banking policy, the FDIC cannot legally prevent a bank from failing but instead, only covers that bank's losses once it has already failed - even when it's obvious.
This gap has created a perverse system of incentives and a huge opportunity for potential buyers of a troubled bank to have every reason to wait until it fails before intervening to save it.
For example, JPMorgan could have bought First Republic weeks before its failure, which would have meant taking on First Republic's debts and keeping its shareholders whole.
Instead, JPMorgan waited until First Republic went bankrupt for several reasons:
Never mind the cost to taxpayers, the economic impact, or the fact that First Republic shareholders were just wiped out.
This is just one example of how our system is designed to foster failure and instability with massive loopholes for Wall Street that none of us have access to unless we are shareholders of JP Morgan, of course!
And it's still ongoing; we must understand that Wall Street is very busy preparing to acquire a few hundred more regional banks in a massive event that will rock the US markets this summer.
You won't hear this on the news.
So what should you do to prepare?
It's always a good idea to be prepared for financial emergencies and take steps to protect your personal finances. Here are some basic suggestions that may help you prepare:
As my disclaimer, remember these suggestions are specific to the continuation of more bank failures but they are also good general financial preparedness tips at any time.
Let me know how you are doing!
As a regular reader, you can imagine that I have a portion of my personal assets held as digital assets in a cold storage device for safekeeping!