'The Dirty Secrets of AI'
Martin Teasdale
I'm the founder of the Team Leader Community and Get out of Wrap. I share stories and create great content & events about Contact Centres and I make Team Leaders better through the power of community.
This comment from the legend that is Nerys Corfield came up today when talking about green initiatives & ESG as part of todays Get out of Wrap TV.
At peak 164 of tuned in to watch & many of you got involved in the chats - thanks to you all & to my partners who support me in this magical mystery tour DDC OS , evaluagent? & Onecom
It turns out most of those commenting are a superstitious lot or as Scott Williams said referencing the legendary Michael Scott of The Office 'I am not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious'
For Nerys Corfield it's not walking over three drains, Nick Sellers isn't superstitious, Mark Ibbotson , Adam Husbands & Phil Duggan are all about the magpies , Alan Donaghy doesn't like to cross on the stairs, Kristi-Anne C. will toss spilt salt over her left shoulder, Amanda D. will never kill a spider in the house but free it outside - and shared this comes from Robert the Bruce ?? and Danny Wareham shared most of our superstitions have links to antiquity, for example 'touch wood' comes from the pagan belief in the Tree of Life.
A modern one that I can fully get behind came from Richard Jennings and thats being superstitious of any Spurs kick off time ????♂? ?? but small mercies as Alan Donaghy notes 'Try being an Evertonian' ??
A fascinating start and way to further get to know each other.
Danny Wareham says he chose his IT provider as they only run on renewables, plant trees and offset. They have net-positive impact through their ESG.
Then Nerys Corfield hit us with the dirty secret behind AI in that 'it is VERY bad for the environment. On the same vein is keeping data. I was auditing a contact centre and they have decided to reduce the time they are keeping data as they know how much energy it takes to cool the servers that hold the data.' ??
Alan Donaghy said at his centre they make us of a service that makes bricks out of the empty plastic bottles collected by his team ?
Ian Sutherland noted that WFH is a big green initiative and Darren Gracie shared that taking care of preferred communication channels can have a big impact - for example - sending 1 million letters is estimated to equate to 240 tonnes of emissions whereas sending 1 million SMS equates to 14kg ??
Nick Sellers posed an interesting question 'it seems that there is a real conflict in a business between ESG initiatives and the want to remain current with technology like AI & data storage. How does that get resolved? Can it be resolved? Or just a compromise reached?'
Kristi-Anne C. noted the positive impact of when teams 'helped build a fence at a farm and a pond at a school. Working together with the team to achieve something for the community really built team morale and it fed through the contact centre,Others wanted to get involved so it was good for engagement' ??
Amanda D. shared the great tip of teams taking teabags home to use as compost on gardens and allotments ??
Nerys Corfield shared how Nvidia (the GPU chip producers which power most GenAI solutions) has just created a new chip which has an hourly power consumption of 8,000 compared to the 30,000 hours their previous chip took'
I then shared just how great the latest episode of GOOW had gone down featuring the awesome Sandra Thompson on Emotional Intelligence.
We then got to many peoples favourite part of the show and thats the Read Along where we cover section by section the excellent ContactBabel UK Contact Centre Decision Makers Guide 2024.
We are in the analytics part and kicked off with this slide..
' Flagging instances of non-compliance' drew some interesting comments for sure.
Alan Linter asked 'isn't this massively biased by the construct of the questions asked' and humorously Danny Wareham noyed 'I love how when the message is about negative influencers to processes/decisions, we get "we" as the pronoun. When it's a success, it's "I".....'
Nick Sellers noted 'This shows a couple of things...processes are for the business and not deployed with the customer in mind. And respondents know where the problems lie in 50-60% of cases but, what, lack the power/will to effect changes?'
Amandip Kooner CCIBS noted 'Process change needs to be simpler and with the customer experience in mind. As often businesses will look at projects based on business benefits'
Richard Potter added 'How many of these processes were conceived by individuals in isolated settings, detached from actual users and business objectives?'
To which Danny Wareham shared a great quote by Upton Sinclair - "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it"
A really enjoyable 45 minutes and if you missed it but want to watch it;
GOOW TV will be back on the 21st and the event will be added to Linkedin tomorrow - I was mistaken and I'm not doing it next week as me and my work experience team (yes its that time of the year again) will be at the Puzzel Elevate event in London.
Hope today helped with those bank holiday blues - much love