Dirty Organised Attack on Me in Bali
Dirty organised attack on me in Bali;
So you asked I answered. You asked years ago if there was something really upsetting that happened in Bali.
Truth shall be known.
Years ago I was at a bar in Bali that I going regularly. One day the guy at the bar came to me and told me that Bali is a honeymoon place do you know that?
Next, Suddenly the girl Namely Hilal whom I like and whom they think I love got married and came to Bali. I know that there is a suspected terrorist in the UK, in the Netherlands and some rogue Hindus in Bali. I strongly believe they are the ones who organised it. The name of that woman is Hilal and you can check the news for authenticity. This will be in my book. Today my website was censured and I was not planning to share this but after consideration of the events I decided to make this public.