The Dirty Little Secret That is Disguised as Genius
I can’t sleep past 6:30am even if I try, even on Sunday, and I live my life to routines.? Yes, even on Sunday, it is more of a ritual than a routine.? I enjoy waking up on Sunday with a morning cup of coffee on our comfy sectional, and watch a timed amount of shorts videos.
This helps me remember to not take myself so seriously.? I will laugh, I will find an amazing story to dig in to further investigate, and I will sometimes find myself getting emotional about something I hold dear to my heart.? I generally enjoy myself until I know it's time to move on to something else.
During this Sunday morning ritual I find that I will see a good amount of videos that make me take pause.? You're listening to someone give advice that makes you raise one eyebrow, because it is bad advice. The next thing I know I am having a one-way conversation, which can turn into an internal argument.
By now you may be wondering what this internal conversation could be about.? I have been in sales for what feels like my entire life.? I support entrepreneurs building out their offer, sales process, and when needed by their team.??
Sales people, and sales coaches now are judged on their sales prowess based on how they can overcome an objection.? I feel a salesperson should be praised for their ability to not have an objection in the first place. So when I see a video of a coach bragging about how to handle an objection during a sale, it reveals an important aspect of their perspective.? This drastically differs from my perspective of how objections are often created by the sales person during the sale.? They are a direct result of not putting in the time, building the foundation, and rushing the call to make the sale.
Now am I going to sit here, and say when you are in sales that you may not have objections?? No, however I will say most objections are a result of you failing to address the issues, patterns in the potential client's current situation, or the fears they struggle with.??
There is a systemic issue in the sales industry of the lack of accountability for sales, and the lack of integrity for doing what is right in the moment.? So I am going to break down the root causes of getting objections, rather than discussing the best way to overcome an objection.??
Creating Objections?
I will see comments based on how well someone handles an objection, and it is evident that the world we live in is becoming increasingly based on how well someone manipulates others.? Mostly, objection handling becomes more about the zingers, or overly complicated hypothetical situations no one in the world will ever face.
The days when it is better to ask forgiveness rather than permission are not necessarily relevant anymore.? However, if you are able to objectively look at these tactics for what they are, it becomes more of a self-serving agenda than from a stance of wanting to support the client for their own interests.? The agenda is felt, which will create more resistance, because you are trying to convenience from a stance of your needs, not theirs.
Especially in the high ticket coaching space, coaches are reporting that at least 90% of the success of a sales call is objection handling.? I will discuss the top 5 reasons they feel this way, and how this creates resistance.?
People have the inherent need to trust, but fear hinders the ability to really allow this to happen.? The lack of evidence can often be thought of as their “perceived value”.??
Sales people or coaching programs will lean on testimonials.? Easy to understand how this happens naturally because you will hear someone just starting out say, “I need testimonials” or “can I speak to one of your clients.??
Do not worry, it is not your fault.? I blame the 9 out of the 10 dentists that recommend a certain toothpaste.? They claim that once a prospect is given transformational evidence, or talks to someone they view as the expert it is then perceived as value, or proof that they can solve the issue.??
In today’s ever evolving, or rapidly changing world of social media.? Everything feels the same, sounds the same, and way too often looks the same.? It is a diluted down, regurgitated version of what is being pitched by everyone else.??
The other issue is that it complicates the sales industry because of the overpromise, and underdeliver method to make the sale.? Fear will often hold someone captive because they become skeptical of who to believe, who to turn for help, and what the right decision is.? This overly desperate approach creates more complications, and added resistance in the form of confusion in what they need.
This is generally the cornerstone of a healthy relationship.? It would be hard for most people to count on one hand to say they had an experience with a sales person that felt like it was built on trust.??
When most sales people began to emphasize their years of expertise, their level of qualifications, or began to use selling words into a sales call it compounds their issue of trust.? This can often be interpreted as desperation. It is interpreted as if you have something to prove, or perceived as a lack of self worth when you have to name drop.
The portion of the brain that detects these ques is also responsible for regulating the fight, flight, or freeze response which triggers other sensory, and chemical responses that will negatively impact the potential client.
The level of anxiety when you begin discussing one's financial constraints.? Alternative options flood the potential clients mind breaking them down to the financial commitment. ? At the moment the sales people become focused on making the sale; they are not aware of the words, and the tone the potential client begins to use.??
Instead of discussing the pattern of the potential clients financial obstacles most sales people go into problem solving.? The person may genuinely not have the financial means to move forward.? However, more times than not, the pressure will consume the air in the conversation projected as guilt.? Guilt is the biggest anchor of all emotions leading them into a negative space that will create a monumental mountain to climb over.??
Once or if the salesperson recognizes this it is generally too late because the spectrum of emotions is too far apart.? They are weighed down with failure, and the salesperson is in problem solving mode which has a detrimental outcome.
Commitment is one of those buzz words that people will throw around just to throw you off.? When the word commitment is used it could mean a lack of time to commit, it could also refer to a financial commitment, or commit because they need to speak with their partner.??
Generally the person you are speaking with does not know which one it is as well. There could be more than one reason, but does it matter?? It is not a lack of commitment on their end that is the issue.?
It has more to do with the lack of perceived value that holds them in a place of perpetual limbo.? Fear of making a decision is the devil they know so they will not make the commitment.??
Now, here is the part that is intriguing, if they do commit because they were talked into it.? They are now the people that ask for a refund, and generally that refund request will come because they are not fully committed because they were coerced into it with guilt.??
The Truth?
Here is the simple, short, and sweet truth about all of the objections above.? In each instance fear, doubt, and the lack of time dedicated during the discovery portion of the call to build trust with the potential client creates the objection. It fosters a lack of understanding, or inability to discern what the potential client is struggling with.??
It takes ruthless compassion to ask the questions which will serve the client so they have their own awareness around their struggle. It’s about recognizing the pain points someone has chosen to endure, and addressing those core issues with relentless clarity.? This is accountability with a level of empathy for the person, but not the obstacle.? Guiding the potential client to discover their own obstacles will strengthen the level of trust without having to use pointless facts to prove you are the person that can support them.
People will not see the perceived value if you do not address the fear.? Fear will cloud their decision making process no matter how much proof you give them.? The overwhelm will consume their thoughts.?
People disguise fear as skepticism because it is easier to act tough, or pretend to have the answer to protect the truth of what they are really feeling.? The truth being, they are skeptical because you sound like everyone else spending time trying to prove yourself.? Making the call about you, rather than them, will cultivate the feeling of desperation, and people smell desperation, like dogs smell fear.??
People want to trust, but their past narrative is that salespeople can not be trusted.? Trust is developed over a course of mutual conversation.? Checking a box or going through the motions of a sales script will cause a disconnect in the conversation. This is when trust is broken because of the lack of being able to lead the conversation, or injecting their own stories into the conversation.?
People use finances to make justifications of a purchase, or make excuses to not purchase based on the fear of being discovered for what they are not.? That defines the difference between needing something, or wanting something.?
Finances do not necessarily need to be discussed to discover their thoughts, and fears around spending money.? Clients will tell you what is really going on if you listen, and hold them accountable during those moments.? To discover the struggle, the obstacle, or the reasoning that holds them stuck is only done by asking the questions to lead them to awareness.??
People do not make commitments based on fear in themselves to live up to the expectations of perceived success by people in their life.? Limiting self beliefs will often dictate the story.? Have past experiences, or comments from others led them to develop these subconscious survival tactics???
Faced with making a commitment may bring up emotions of self worth.? By focusing on the human element, it will cultivate more of a profound, and meaningful connection so we can explore this pattern where this shows up.? Obstacles like this are opportunities to eliminate the objection.??
If the time was not spent getting to know the potential client during the discovery portion of the call, these limitations are either non-existent, become relevant which elevates them questioning themselves long before the objection arises.?
If this person is not, or has not met the minimum criteria they need to be told just that.? “As of right now, [name] it does not sound like we are a good fit to support you moving forward.”? The key words in this sentence are crucial, “as of right now” does not mean they will be a bad fit.?
Also, move them forward from a place of integrity by suggesting someone that would be.? Be the person that connects a potential client to the person that can support them adequately.? This will pay off in ways you could not imagine.??
So the truth is this, when someone is bragging about their objection handling prowess, or the way to handle push back, this generally means they did not build the foundation for the sale.? There is a defined line drawn in the sand with the above statement.??
Is there an opportunity to still face an objection if you take your time to lay the proper foundation?? Yes, you can still get objections, but when you connect on a deeper level to have a deliberate conversation with them.? Versus the opposite of using a tactic that is self-serving, and can be viewed as manipulative.?
Final Thoughts
Objections are created during the sales process. There may be some objections you can not avoid, and in some cases overcome.? Objections may arise from an internal belief because of the potential client's current situation, or from obstacles that have manifested in their lives over the years.? Or it could be that they have a sort of sales trauma that has created a resistance that hinders them from finding the solution they need.??
Either way, you can eliminate most objections by looking at the sales approach.? Objections often arise when the foundation is not properly laid.? If you encounter stories of people boasting about objection handling, reverse engineer their tactics to identify any oversights.? Take a moment and roleplay how the conversation could have resulted in that objection.??
Here are 5 suggestions that I recommend to all of my clients: