Dirty Hands in #FederalContracting

Dirty Hands in #FederalContracting

Remember shaking hands? Remember that physical connection with another person?

A standard greeting setting the stage for business discussions, money, and more? Remember how that handshake sealed the deal? That final connection that symbolized trust, mutual respect, and sometimes admiration?

As #COVID hit the US, our customary handshake has gone the way of the dinosaur for most. Handshakes are not required--and are often impossible. We have transitioned to a virtual environment where words are our greetings and honor code.

I, for one, am extremely happy about this shift-- mostly because of my experiences in #FederalContracting and #Sales. For 20 years, I worked with #federalemployees and #federalcontractors at the highest levels. I worked on enterprise-wide programs and projects that interfaced with hundreds to millions--and they were high-stakes, high-visibility programs that drove the organization's bottom line in service delivery. I worked directly with former Presidents, Cabinet Secretaries, Congressmen, and leaders from the VA, DOD, FCC, FDA, VHA, Treasury, EEOC, and more. It was high-stress, but we were delivering to meet our constituent needs. I have also worked with leaders from large corporations publicly traded and part of the private sector.

During my time working in offices with leadership from these organizations--I shared a very public bathroom with these people. And I am here to tell you that MOST of the men in #federalcontracting and #federalservice DID NOT WASH THEIR HANDS AFTER USING THE BATHROOM. There were countless times when I witnessed federal leaders, Senior and Executive Vice Presidents, Directors, Bureau Chiefs, and even two Chiefs of Staff leave the bathroom stall after a very enthusiastic and vocal expression of relief--only to look in the mirror and walk out of the door without washing his hands. These are people who shake hands for a living!

Now, I can't say I've never been in the women's restroom--but those trips were mostly reserved for nights out at the gay bar where all bathrooms were unisex. But I can say that I am notorious for telling people in the bathroom to wash their hands in my private life. It's even caused a few people to be rather confrontational--but most go back and wash their hands. I chose to avoid saying anything to people in my work environment because I risked losing my job, income, and livelihood.

So there you have it--there really are #DirtyHands in #FederalContracting. For more scientific information about #handwashing, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, and remember to #washyourhands. It could seal more than the deal. ;-)

Any ideas you might have about #hygienic ways to say hello and replace the handshake in our #newnormal?


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