Directory Search Systems vs. Pure Organic Marketing for ALL Search Engines
Have you ever been approached by a Sales Professional that shows you that your website is not found anywhere in their search? They then fluidly transition into the fear, steer, and close method. When you blink, they wink, now you're locked into an expensive year-long contract with your competition.
Hopefully, you haven't put ink to contract yet. Let me share a few trade secrets with you about how Directory Search Systems and how to get better results in the Organic Searches with your website.
1. Why would your site be found in "A Directory System Search"? The only way you are going to get into their search results is by paying a monthly fee for the system. a) Why are you going to spend money to be buried in someone else's website? b) Why are you going to pay another company to compete with your site for page rank on the front page of a search engine? c) Is your target market going to know they have to click a directory website first and then search for you, along with your competition? d) Do you realize that they make a carbon copy of your site and market that one, instead of your actual website?
2. Optimizing your website. Focus on creating a content marketing strategy for ANY Search Engine. Don't get so wound up on one specific search engine. Organic content spreads out like hot fudge on a granite slab. There are THOUSANDS of different search engines that people use. People get disgruntled for whatever reason and switch around all the time. I use 4. Do all of the sites I do organic marketing to show up on them? Yes. When you do organic marketing correctly, there is no need to "Pay to Play." When you focus on Organic methods and keep it REAL, you will find that in many cases, you will list stack on the front page of numerous search engines, not just one.
3. Catering to Specific Search Engines. I don't particularly appreciate getting bogged down with all the different rules and regulations of paying for campaigns. Once you are in the "Pay to Play Game," you are stuck for the life of your business. The search engines can control everything about your search. There is hope. I have found that if you make sure your content marketing is up to pare, you can pay the "Pay to Play," fee at the base bottom, be in the system. Your site will start showing up again. If you stick to pure organic SEO, it will work. It works like this, post it, indexed, and cached for months to years. It's how I work myself out of jobs. It is tedious, but, if you can pay for labor that stays around for several months to years, it's a whole lot better than paying for a campaign that has zero traffic after it had ended.
3. Is pure organic marketing the only way to market your business? Heck NO! Organic content marketing of your Website is critical. No one censors your Website unless you are doing something entirely against your Web Host's Terms and Conditions. All Marketing Plans need to be custom fitted per unique business. Each Website should excite, delight, and interact with the traffic it generates or what the social media is sending it. Social Media is great, but it can be switched off with no notice or explanation. Keeping your website and all critical information on it and the cloud is imperative. Whatever, you can stay in control of, do it!
There is a lot of turns and twists when it comes to producing pure organic SEO. I have been performing it since 1999. I will start posting more articles about my experiences and how I overcame specific scenarios. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate and reach out to me. I love taking WordPress Website and turning them into Web Marketing Engines.