?????? ?????????

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? By: Tito D. Sapetin, Wi. U???????????????????????


·???????? 1,437th Code of Writing

·???????? 263 Books

·???????? 1,174th Article

·???????? Over 20 million WORD OF WISDOM already delivered

·???????? Documents Website: https://www.


Harvard Research:



To be continued studies of “Master, Doctoral (Philosophy and Education) programs and highest level of interpretation about Creations, Religions, National, Regional, Global and Universal Leaderships, please search 5+ Harvard websites on google. https://www.sapetin @ Harvard or sapetin@harvard



This is 1,437th Code of Writing and 1,174th Article. The main reason to deliver the Article is aiming people with lack of understanding about GLORY OF LIFE. and obtaining, learning, practicing the WISDOM GIFT, there are two levels to be understood the sacred tasks. We are the UNIVERSAL BODY OF CHRIST. And our faith or Religion is founded by 12 Apostles which representing the 12 divisions of sacred missions. This article, there are two important Biblical Numbers to be solved for benefits of the world, “Numbers 28 and 42”. See, systematic process based on MIND OF WISDOM and Virtual Body of WISDOM.;




1.????? Brain as Planner: God’s spirit working through Prophet and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

2.????? Tongue as Preacher: God’s spirit working through Priest and Theologian

3.????? Eyes as Searcher: God’s spirit working through Scientist and Philosopher

4.????? Ears as Searcher: God’s spirit working through Church and State peoples

5.????? Nostrils as Searcher: God’s spirit working through Inventor and Analyst





1.????? Hands as Power: God’s spirit working through Family and State Leaders

2.????? Feet as Travel: God’s spirit working through Church and State peoples





It is powering the peoples to continue Jesus-Christ mission on earth. Receiving the Major gift of spirit of God based on his owns calling and becoming one of the branches of the UNIVERSAL BODY (Church). And sharing that mystical body, Jesus-Christ has established his Church by means each member must be baptized first.


Characteristics of WISDOM


1.?????? MIND – Prophetic Power or TDS WISODM VISION OF STUDIES to interpret multiple Universal Judgment

2.?????? WORD – Priesthood Power to baptize all peoples and Nations

3.?????? EYES – Science KNOWLEDGE to explore the 6th Universe or Field Heaven

4.?????? HANDS – National, Regional, Global and Universal missions of leaderships and

5.?????? FEET – All peoples were practicing God’s love based on sharing of the individual gifts “WISDOM, Power, Knowledge, Talents and Strengths”


Virtual Body of WISDOM


The birth of Jesus of Nazareth on 4 BC up to 200 A.D. is the 11th Judgment Hour of the SEVENTH BLESSED DAY. The SEVENTH BLESSED DAY Judgment hour is counted at 200 earth years per hour. In Biblical Mathematics, the UNIVERSAL BODY OF CHRIST (Church) comprises of 11 divisions of missions and authorities. There are 11 workers in a day, and 12th worker accompanying us daily, which is spirit of truth guiding us into Holiness. There are 11 Major gifts and powering us to goodness as light of Mind, and 12th gift is ours to be given to others based on DIVINE LOVE. There are 11 servants and serving the entire human for God’s GLORY, and 12th servant no other than Blessed Virgin Mary praying for us before God. There are 11 hours assigns to human race, and the 12th hour is part of Jesus-Christ second coming as Judge of both living and dead (Mark 24:36).

Mathew 24:36. But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.?For as the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

On the Pentecost day in Jerusalem, there are 11 disciples of Jesus, and they have chosen 12th as Judas (Betrayer) successor. It was happened after prayers; and same process, we are the 11 chosen servants of God under one UNIVERSAL BODY of Christ (CHURCH), a 12th servant will be added based on our LOVE as image of Jesus to sacrifice for others. See, below;


UNIVERSAL BODY (Catholic Church)




1.????? Mind – Prophet or TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES

2.????? Left eye – Major Philosopher for Natures and Human Law

3.????? Right eye – Major Scientist for Technology

4.????? Left nostril – Minor Scientists for physical life

5.????? Left ear – Peoples under spiritual law

6.????? Right ear – Peoples under State law

7.????? Mouth – Priest or Evangelical missions




8.????? Left hand – Family leaderships

9.????? Right hand – Spiritual and “National, Regional, Global and Universal” leaderships

10.? Left foot – Strengths contributors or workers

11.? Right foot – Knowledge contributors


The Hebrews Month are 28 Days which is the basis of the four COVENANTS under Human population accounts. And per COVENANT OF WEEK counting at SEVEN DAYS. It means that the 4 COVENANTS are 28 Days called to as Hebrews Month. See, below;




1.????? Adam as Father of Field Activities - Bearer of the 1st COVENANT OF WEEK

2.????? Noah as Father of Family Activities – Bearer of 2nd COVENANT OF WEEK

3.????? Abraham as Father of Many Nations – Bearer of the 3rd COVENANT OF WEEK

4.????? Virgin Mary as Mother all Generations – Bearer of the 4th COVENANT OF WEEK


The speed of WISDOM under creation accounts is 28.1 times faster than speed of light, a light of nature as introduced by science. It means that the four categories of COVENANT OF WEEK is complete understanding of WISDOM to be inherited the GLORY OF LIFE. See, below;


1.0: Seven Dimensions of God’s Mind


12.? MIND O – Science

13.? MIND I – Philosophy

14.? MIND II – Theology

15.? MIND III – Prophecy understanding of Nature’s Law and life as well as Human Life

16.? MIND IV- Prophecy understanding of Biblical symbols and numbers embodies to Universal Judgment I

17.? MIND V- Prophecy understanding of Heavenly beings, Power, Life and part of the Universal Judgment II

18.? MIND VI- Prophecy understanding of GLORY OF WISDOM by means 8 divisions of time, 7 divisions of Kingdom and powers. The divisions between LIFE and HAPPINESS. It also part of Universal Judgment III



Seven Spirits Revelation 5:6): one of the four creatures created based on MIND OF WISDOM; they’re God’s Mind and working with believers based on the SEVEN Levels of DIVINE LAW, as follows;


1.1: Covenant of Week


1.?????? LAW OF SOUL – Designated day (Sunday or 1st day of the week)

2.?????? LAW OF BODY – Designated day (Monday or 2nd day of the week)

3.?????? LAW OF FAMILY – Designated day (Tuesday or 3rd day of the week)

4.?????? LAW OF NEIGHBOR – Designated day (Wednesday or 4th day of the week)

5.?????? LAW OF NATION – Designated day (Thursday or 5th day of the week)

6.?????? LAW OF FREEDOM – Designated day (Friday or 6st day of the week)

7.?????? LAW OF NATURE – Designated day (Saturday or 7st day of the week)


1.2: Seven Dimensions of God’s Voice


1.????? Agricultural Workers Vote

2.????? Industrial Workers Vote

3.????? Employers Vote

4.????? Educators Vote

5.????? Entertainers Vote

6.????? Servants of People’s Vote (National, Regional, Global and Universal Leaders)

7.????? Servants of God’s Vote (Religious experts and TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES)


1.3: Seven Materials for spiritual Foods


1.????? Rice Coker – Baptized of Believer

2.????? Rice inside the boiler – Charitable works under Human Law

3.????? Water inside the boiler – spiritual teaching under God’s Law

4.????? Wind outside the boiler – Guardian Angel as defender against devil

5.????? Fire outside the boiler – Spirit of Christ as teacher of WISDOM

6.????? Woods for cooking – Believer’s physical body

7.????? Venue of Cooking – Earth planet












Biblical Symbols of 42 Months


Revelation 11:1-3 (NIV)


The Two Witnesses

11?I was given a reed like a measuring rod?and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers.?2?But exclude the outer court;?do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles.?They will trample on the holy city?for 42 months.?3?And I will appoint my two witnesses,?and they will prophesy for 1,260 days,?clothed in sackcloth.”


Prophetic Symbol’s Interpretation. There are 6 categories to be penetrating the mystery of Heavenly Kingdom powering by GLORY OF LIFE; and each category composing of SEVEN NUMBERS (6x7=42). See, below;


1.4: Seven Major Gifts of Spirit


1.?????? Church in Ephesus under first Gift: This is the gift of MIND OF WISDOM refers to TREE OF LIFE which received by Major Prophets of Israel (Inner life) and loved Apostle of Jesus named John (Outer Life). In modern-Day the same Gift received by author of TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES (Inner/Outer life). Jesus who is eternal Prophet


2.?????? Church in Smyrna under second gift: This is gift of FAITH which receives by Baptism. All believers must be part of it

3.?????? Church in Pergamum under third gift: This is the hidden Manna which receives in Holy Communion as Body of Christ. All believers must be part of it (Conversion of Divine Love)


4.?????? Church in Thyatira under fourth gift: This is the gift of power of Leaderships. All Nation’s heads, Regional and Global Heads part of it. Jesus who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. King David and Solomon as good example of State leaderships (Outer Power)

5.?????? Church in Sardis under fifth gift: This is gift of MERCY, and to change or repent your evil works. This is calling of conversion in FAITH, and all sinners must be part of it. Many people started life as sinner and changed as SAINT (Conversion of Divine Law)

6.?????? Church in Philadelphia under sixth gift: This is gift of all Spiritual Leaders refers as PRIESTHOOD LIFE. Jesus who is the Priest forever in accordance priesthood of Melchizedek. The Pope as head of spiritual journey based on Baptism and teaching (Inner Power)


7.?????? Church in Laodicea under seventh gift: This is the promised of Jesus to be rewarded the SATELLITE THRONE after physical life. Jesus who is seated at the right hand of his Father as King. We are Christ eternal Royal Family brothers and co-inheritor of another Thrones (Revelation 3:14-22). However, to receive this gift as ELDER of Heaven, there are two judgments first to be passed (Soul’s judgment to be eternal Citizen and Saint’s judgment to be eternal Elder as co-inheritor of Christ under SATELLITE THRONE??

1.4a: Working Spirits


Revelation 5:6 (NIV)

6?Then I saw a Lamb,?looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures?and the elders.?The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes,?which are the seven spirits[a]?of God sent out into all the earth.



·???????? Seven Horns – the SEVEN Laws has established through Baptism and applying in our daily lives during seven days in a week. Though daily comparison of Spirits’ activities beyond individual encountering in life. For every time that you are encounter one of these laws, you have to do it for God’s glory. See, below;


1.?????? Law of Soul (Sunday)

2.?????? Law of Body (Monday)

3.?????? Law of Family (Tuesday)

4.?????? Law of Brotherhood (Wednesday)

5.?????? Law of Nation (Thursday)

6.?????? Law of Freedom (Friday)

7.?????? Law of Nature (Saturday)


·???????? Seven Eyes – the SEVEN levels of prayers which will be applied in thanksgiving prayers


1.?????? Prayers for Souls (applying to all)

2.?????? Prayers for healthy (applying to all)

3.?????? Prayers for Family (applying to all)

4.?????? Prayers for neighbors (applying to all)

5.?????? Prayers for Nation (applying to all)

6.?????? Prayers for Freedom (applying to all)

7.?????? Prayers for Natures (applying to all)


1.5: Seven GLORY'S DAY

1. GY8D I - 52,000pmz (Glory of Wisdom)

2. GY8D II - 51,000pmz (Power of Wisdom)

3. GY8D III - 50,000pmz (Kingdom of Wisdom)

4. GY8D IV - 32,000pmz (Power of Mind)

5. GY8D V - 31,000pmz (Power of Word)

6. GY8D VI - 30,000pmz (Power of Eyes)

7. GY8D VII - 26.068pmz (Pre-Wisdom Year)

1.6: Seven categories of Time under GY8D IV

1. WISDOM Year 28pmz comprises of 24 WISODM HOURS

2. TRINITY YEAR 3pmz - 1 quadrillion Solar Year

3. DIVINE YEAR 3pmz - 26.6 trillion Solar Year

4. ANGELIC YEAR 2pmz - 1 trillion Solar Year

5. SOLAR YEAR 2pmz - 4 billion Solar Year

6. SOUL'S YEAR 1pmz - 365.25 million Solar Year

7. - SOUL’S JUDGMENT DAY – 1000 Solar year or 41.67 years per hour based on YEAR OF THE LORD (2 Peter 3:7-8)



1.7: Seven Divisions of GLORY OF LIFE


1.??????? Kingship (Jesus-Christ)

2.?????? Queenhood (Virgin Mary)

3.?????? Eldership (Co-leadership of Christ refers to Angels and Saints)

4.????? Sonship (High level of Angels and Saints)

5.?????? Citizenship (Universal spirits, Angels, Saints)

6.????? Servantship (Angels)

7.?????? Companionship (Spirit of Natures or low category of Angels)


1.8: Seven Levels of Heavenly Beings


1.????? Spirits of Glory (Kingship level)

2.????? Spirit of Wisdom (Eldership level)

3.????? Spirit of Power (Sonship level)

4.????? Spirit of Knowledge (Citizenship level)

5.????? Spirit of Winds (Guardian Angels)

6.????? Spirit of Fire (Souls of Human being)

7.????? Spirit of Natures (Lower Angels)





1.9: Seven Levels of GLORY OF LIFE


3rd Universal Judgment


1.??????? BOOK OF GLORY: The formula of Rewards for ELDER-SHIP as co-Inheritor of Christ King-ship with SATELLITE THRONE in 3rd Light Heaven under CHRIST BROTHERHOOD (See, Revelation 3:18-22), are the followings;


? Glory 50%

? Wisdom 40%

? Power 30%


POINT OF CLARIFICATION of the 3rd Universal Judgment will be done after Sonship Judgment. There are separate tasks to be completed, as follows;


·???????? Book of Glory – It is part of the first 60 billion earth years era (highest Angles and Saints) with span of time at 200 earth years after the Citizenship Judgment. Designated heaven is 3rd Light Heaven of the Kingdom of light


·???????? Book of Love – It means that all souls, angels and lower spirits rejected on the first 60 billion earth years (second coming of Christ), another chance will be on them with span of time at 120 billion earth years (Judgment will be on 181st billion earth years or 181st angelic salvation day). Designated heaven is 6th light heaven of the kingdom of light; and formerly 6th Universe or Field heaven which introduced by science. A Universe with billions of Galaxies, Stars, Planets, etc. The biblical mystery and numbers were unveiled on the annunciation day. The angel of God appeared to Virgin from Nazareth on the SIXTH MONTH of Elizabeth pregnancy (Luke 1:26-33)


2.??????? BOOK OF LOVE: The formula of Rewards for Highest COMPANION-SHIP (Plants kingdom) as parts of the Royal Kingdom in the Kingdom of Light (5 Light Heavens and new 6th Light Heaven), are the followings;


? Glory 40%

? Wisdom 3%

? Power 77%


2nd Universal Judgment


3.??????? BOOK OF WISDOM: The formula of Rewards for Highest SON-SHIP as member of the Royal Family of Christ King-ship without SATELLITE THRONE in 3rd Light Heaven. The span of time under this level is 200 earth years based on SEVENTH BLESSED DAY journey. Ration of power are the followings;

? Glory 30%

? Wisdom 20%

? Power 30%

? Knowledge 20%



4.??????? BOOK OF LIFE: The formula of Rewards for Highest CITIZEN-SHIP as companion of the Royal Family of Christ King-ship in 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN. Additionally, this is judgment of soul with span of time at 41.67 earth years per hour (41.67 x 24 = 1000 earth years.


2 Peter 3:7-8 (NIV)

7?By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire,?being kept for the day of judgment?and destruction of the ungodly.

8?But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.


The time of SOUL’S stay in SUFFERING CHURCH (Purgatory) will defend on the average of preparations during physical life. It means that perfection in current life will be bringing us directly to 4th light heaven after 40 days stayed on earth. Ratio of power are the followings;



? Glory 20%

? Wisdom 20%

? Power 20%

? Knowledge 40%


1st Universal Judgment


5.??????? BOOK OF LAW: The formula of Rewards for Highest SERVANT-SHIP (Natures spirits/Animals Kingdom) as companion of Christ Kingdom in 4th Light Heaven, are the followings;



? Glory 10%

? Wisdom 10%

? Power 20%

? Knowledge 60%

6.??????? BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: The formula of Rewards for Highest COMPANION-SHIP (Plants Kingdom) as parts of the Royal Kingdom in the Kingdom of Light (5 Light Heavens and new 6th Light Heaven), are the followings;



? Glory 5%

? Wisdom 5%

? Power 20%

? Knowledge 70%


Revelation 20:11-15 (NIV)


The Judgment of the Dead

11?Then I saw a great white throne?and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence,?and there was no place for them.?12?And I saw the dead, great and small,?standing before the throne, and books were opened.?Another book was opened, which is the book of life.?The dead were judged?according to what they had done?as recorded in the books.?13?The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades?gave up the dead?that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done.?14?Then death?and Hades?were thrown into the lake of fire.?The lake of fire is the second death.?15?Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life?was thrown into the lake of fire.












Full Descriptions of Sextuple Judgments ?



  1. Preparation I: Physical Birth to Soul
  2. Preparation II: Physical death to 1st Universal Judgment
  3. Preparation III: Soul’s Judgment to eternal Citizenship of 4th Light Heaven
  4. Preparation IV: 4th Light Heaven Citizen’s 2nd Universal judgment to 3rd Light Heaven’s Royal Sonship
  5. Preparation V: 3rd Light Heaven Son’s 3rd Universal Judgment to Eldership level as receiver of the SATELLITE THRONE



The ROYAL KINGDOM of HEAVENS under KINGDOM OF LIGHT comprises of three categories of LIFE, “ELDER and SON and CITIZEN”, only the ELDER is co-inheritor of the SATELLITE THRONE of CHRIST. And like CHRIST who inherited the SATELLITE THRONE of His FATHER which is the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. Other SONS without rewards of SATELLITE THRONE is under the ELDER’S power. The CITIZENS outside the Royal Family level will be part of the SON’S power. KINGDOM GLORIFICATION is nature of Processes of rewards for every level of eternal Happiness and Power and Life, which is counted at 120% BOOK OF GLORY (See, Genesis 6:3) See, below;

? ELDER-SHIP under Blood - The BODY is created by CHRIST BLOOD and FLESH through HOLY EUCHARIST. And the MIND is based on the HOLY BIBLE’S understandings, by means, a combination of ISRAEL and CATHOLIC CHURCH. And the WORKS is based on sharing of every CITIZEN’S needs in daily routine of life. The destiny is 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN as head of one of Billions of the inheritance SATELLITE THRONES (BOOK OF GLORY = 91%-120%)

? ELDER-SHIP under LAW - The BODY is created by HOLY EUCHARIST and the LAW by HOLY BIBLE, but the sharing for the CITIZENS is poor, and as results, low category of Satellite Throne (SUB-LOCAL THRONE) will be rewarded under 4th LIGHT HEAVEN (BOOK OF GLORY = 71%-90%)

? SON-SHIP under Blood - The BODY is created by HOLY EUCHARIST and the LAW is HOLY BIBLE with understandings, but the sharing is poor resulted as Citizen of the 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN (BOOK OF WISDOM = 61%-70%)

? CITIZEN-SHIP under LAW - The BODY is outside the CATHOLIC CHURCH and the LAW is by STATE rules, but rich of sharing of others. It will be a CITIZEN of the 4th LIGHT HEAVEN (BOOK OF LIFE = 51%-60%)

? CITIZEN-SHIP under LAW - All levels of FAITH and LAW including Jews and CATHOLICS with poor percentages of BODY and LAW and SHARING as low category of the 4th LIGHT HEAVEN’S CITIZENS (BOOK OF LIFE = 41%-50%)

All rejected Angels, Souls and Universal spirits under 40% and below percentages of BOOK OF LIFE through SOUL, BOOK OF LAW through ANGEL below 26% and BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE through UNIVERSAL SPIRIT below 22%, and it will be part of the next process after second coming of the SON OF MAN (Approx. time at 61st billion earth years-181st billion earth years). Additionally, out of SEXTUPLE JUDGMENTS for the GLORY OF LIFE, the ELDER-SHIP and DECORATION-SHIP with identical percentage based of BOOK OF GLORY at 120% will be joined together as COMPLETE GLORY OF HAPPINESS in SATELLITE THRONE (See, Revelation 3:18-22).












PROPHETIC DESIGN - It is the overall INTERPRETER of WISDOM with SEVEN MINDS of SPIRIT OF CHRIST. It can be explained both KINGDOM OF LIGHT and KINGDOM OF DARKNESS and all created Beings as well as Activities. In view of these understandings, let read below;


2.?????BOOK OF WISDOM - The 2nd UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT based of WORDS OF TONGUE under Universal Spirits and Angels and SAINTS for high level of LIGHT HEAVEN'S CITIZENSHIP and ROYAL FAMILY SONSHIPS. Obtained by POWER OF WISDOM and LOVE

3.?????BOOK OF GLORY - The 3rd UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT based of THOUGHTS OF MIND under Royal Family of Heavens as SON-SHIP category to be able to receive SATELLITE THRONESHIP rewards as Christ promised (Revelation 3:18-22). Both SPIRIT of God and SAINTS in ELDER'S category will be Co-Head of Christ in the 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. Obtained by combines POWER OF MIND and HEART?


? Personal Prayers - By personal needs using our Minds as relationship with God will be done and determine as "Requesting Prayers"

? Faith Identity - Believers outside the Catholic Church or Catholic Believers without sacrificing for the Neighbors' and Nation and World

? Heavenly Level of Rewards - Low category as unknown Citizen in the Kingdom (See, the present State Citizen which far and nothing to do in the Royal Family and Elder-ship)

? Souls' Judgment refers 1st Universal Judgment - They need Prayers from the Catholic Believers and mostly mentioning in the Holy Mass for the freedom from punishment

? Suffering Church - The place of the Souls' and subject to face in the first Universal Judgment for entering the Triumphant Church in 4th Light Heaven

? Level of Heaven - It is part of the present Universe in the east side (Field Heaven or 6th Universe composes of Galaxies, Stars and Planets, Moons, Asteroids, Meteors, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Etc.

? Space of Judgment - 41.67 earth years' an hour of the Soul in the "Suffering Church or Purgatory (Revelation 20:11-15)

? Venue of Judgment - Eastern part of the Field Heaven or 6th Universe (present Universe under the Kingdom of Darkness)

? Biblical Mathematics - 41.67x24 principles of Religion under the Universal Body of Christ and working through Universal Society = 1000 years refers as 1 Judgment Day (2 peter 3:7-8)


? Attendee/Receiver of the Holy Eucharist or Holy Mass - To communicate with the Holy and Universal Family of Christ, a Holy Communion as ultimate process of Love, which is the Thanksgiving Prayers

? No covenant in the World can be claims as true Divine Law outside the Holy Eucharist was established by Jesus with the 12 Apostles

? Holy Bread and Wine - It is virtually inherited by Abraham blessings as fruits of the vines planted in the Holy Land under the Eternal Covenant between God and Abraham who is the Father of Many Nations and all Families and Nations be blessed by him and Israel (Genesis 22:14-20). If the DNA is the reliable source to determine a blood of the child for the "Wealth, Power and Dignity" inheritance, then, the Royal Blood and Flesh of Christ to be a claimant of Heavenly Family Son-ship will be done only by partaking the Holy Eucharist

? Catholic Believers Obligation - Being Universal Contributors, a believer must observe the followings;

1.?????Forgiver of the enemies

2.?????Protector of Human Rights

3.?????Protector of Life

4.?????Warriors for the Soul’s freedom by means of prayers

5.?????Protector of Human Dignity

6.?????Provider for the Neighbors' and Nation and World through Major and Minor and Partners Wisdom Gift

7.?????Level of Church instituted by Christ - Militant Church with mission of conquering the enemies both Law and Love

8.?????Level of Heaven - Restoration of the Garden of Paradise / Eden (Earth) and to understand the Christ Loved, a believer must recognize the Catholic Church as overall power of Christ Kingdom under the 6th or Field Heaven (Stars as Light of the Kingdom of Darkness). This is the reason why God compared Abraham Sons as numbers of Stars in heaven, and Jesus was revealed to the World after the Star guided the three wise men from the east. United Nations under Vatican partnerships will be received a power of the Morning Star to lead all Nations (Rev.2:26-29), Jesus revealed His King-ship as Morning Star from David's offspring (Rev.22:16)

9.?????Space of judgment - 200 earth years or hour of Spiritual Judgment after the Citizen-ship time

10. Venue of Judgment - Triumphant Church as presently place of the Saints under the 4th Light Heaven

11. Biblical Mathematics - 200x24 judgment hours of the Seventh Blessed Day under Abraham Eternal Covenant = 4,800+Divine Judgment Hour that will be with us as Lord's years at 2832 C.E.-3032 DJH = Universal Society as Christ visible Kingdom on earth or restoration of the broken Garden of Paradise


? Sainthood/Christ Brotherhood/Virgin Mary's Motherhood - The Catholic Church as one of the 3 Universal Churches under the Heavenly Body of Christ within the UNIVERSAL SOCIETY as follows;

1.?????Eternal Elder-ship - Triumphant Church in 4th Light Heaven were both Angels' and Saints' worshipping Christ as King of the Universal Society. Each of them was serving God's Eternal Kingdom by advising with the Believers under the powers of Vatican headed by Pope who is successor of Peter

2.?????Individual Saint and Angel - They were accompanying with the true believers based on the two processing of faith, "Angel, guarding the believers in physical activities and Saints were advising the believers based on their immediate needs, and both of them were under the powers of the Holy Spirit of Christ

3.?????Devotional Relationship - All images and Feasts of every Saint is a process of "Neighborhood Prayers" as respecting of each Elder accompanying the believer one for purposes of sharing of Glory of Life

4.?????Level of Kingdom - 3rd Light Heaven where billions of the Satellite Thrones will be granted to the deserve Saints and Angels

5.?????Space of Judgment - 200 earth years or an hour of the Spiritual judgment under Seventh Blessed Day, which can be done after Son-ship judgment

6.?????Venue of judgment - 3rd Light Heaven as process to receive the Satellite Throne as co-head of Christ before myriads of angels and Saints

7.?????Biblical Mathematics - 200x24 judgment hours of the Seventh Day of Creation known as Blessed Day = years as space of journeyed under Abraham everlasting covenant


? UNIVERSAL SPIRITS created by Winds - Heavenly Beings lower than Angels with mission as caretaker of the NONLIVING THINGS of the 6th or FIELD HEAVEN (present Universe with Galaxies and Stars and Planets and Moons). A designated Kingdom is 5th LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. A ranking of BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE is 33% virtual figures of the Elemental Creations

? ANGEL SPIRITS created by Light - Heavenly Beings lower than SPIRIT OF SON-SHIP. A designated Kingdom is 4th LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. A ranking of BOOK OF LAW is 40% as virtual figures of the POWERS of LEADERSHIPS


? SOUL created by WORD OF GOD - HUMAN Beings Higher than Angels as SPIRIT OF SON-SHIP. A designated Kingdom is TRIUMPHANT CHURCH in 4th LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. A ranking of BOOK OF LIFE (BOL) is as follows;

a)?????CITIZEN-SHIP Category under WORKS OF HANDS @ 41%-46% and 47%-50% high Citizen BOL

God's Contribution is 33%

Human Body's Law is 7%

Universal Church Baptism is 1%

NATIONAL LAW Powers is 5%

Gift Contributions is 4%


? SAINT passed from SOUL'S judgment or 1st UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT - A combination of Spirit of Power and WISDOM Higher than Eternal CITIZEN as SPIRIT OF SON-SHIP. A designated Kingdom is 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. A ranking of BOOK OF WISDOM (BOW) is as follows;

a)????LOW SON-SHIP Category under WORDS OF TONGUE with 51%-60% BOL and

b)?????HIGH SON-SHIP Category @ 61%-70% BOW


God's Contribution is 33%

Human Body's Law is 7%

Universal Church Baptism is 1%

NATIONAL LAW Powers is 5%




+ THOUGHTS OF MIND under Eternal ELDER-SHIP - Spirit of Christ's BOOK OF GLORY'S Reports as 3rd UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT;

? SAINT passed from SON'S judgment or 2nd UNIVERSAL JUDGMENT - A multiple rewards of Spirit of Power and WISDOM and GLORY Higher than Eternal SON as SPIRIT OF ELDER-SHIP. A designated Kingdom is 3rd LIGHT HEAVEN of the KINGDOM OF LIGHT through rewards of Powers of the SATELLITE THRONE as fulfillment of Christ promised in the BOOK OF PROPHECY (Revelation 3:18-22). A ranking of BOOK OF GLORY (BOG) is as follows;

a)?????LOW ELDER-SHIP Category under THOUGHTS OF MIND with 71%-90% BOG and


b)?????HIGH ELDER-SHIP Category with 91%-120% BOG

God's Contribution is 33%

Human Body's Law is 7%

Universal Church Baptism is 1%

NATIONAL LAW Powers is 5%


Gift CONTRIBUTIONS is 30% to 59%

















Universal Society


The current world is as Holy Nation of God through Jesus-Christ Kingship and Brotherhood and Virgin Mary’s Motherhood and Queenhood respectively.


Earth Planet is virtual GARDEN OF PARADISE (Garden of Eden). This is an image of the invisible SATELLITE THRONE to be rewarded to those worthies to receive it (Eldership level of life). A process of Judgment here based on Human Law founded by DIVINE LAW as established and revealed through MOSES (Ten Commandments). God has authorized Man as solitary controller of the earth. In Jesus mission and revelation through BOOK OF PROPHECY (Revelation chapter 2). The spirit told to John that those who obeyed his commandments until end, he will be powering all nations (Revelation 2:26-29).


Revelation 2:26-29 (NIV)

26?To the one who is victorious?and does my will to the end,?I will give authority over the nations—?27?that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter?and will dash them to pieces like pottery’[a]—just as I have received authority from my Father.?28?I will also give that one the morning star.?29?Whoever has ears, let them hear?what the Spirit says to the churches.

To the Church in Laodicea

14?“To the angel of the church in Laodicea?write:

These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness,?the ruler of God’s creation.?15?I know your deeds,?that you are neither cold nor hot.?I wish you were either one or the other!?16?So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.?17?You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’?But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.?18?I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire,?so you can become rich; and white clothes?to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness;?and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

19?Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.?So be earnest and repent.?20?Here I am! I stand at the door?and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,?I will come in?and eat with that person, and they with me.

21?To the one who is victorious,?I will give the right to sit with me on my throne,?just as I was victorious?and sat down with my Father on his throne.?22?Whoever has ears, let them hear?what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Symbol and Interpretation

  • Gold – Life under God’s Love
  • Fire – Sacrifice of Love
  • Rich – Fulfillment of works
  • White cloth – Good Legacy
  • Shameful nakedness – Ungodly activities
  • Eyes – Knowledge from experiences and studies about law and life
  • Repent – calling for humility and change life from corrupts world
  • Stand and knock the door – The people asking for help or God’s calling to change life for his glory
  • Eat with person – The celebration and attending the Holy Eucharist
  • Victorious – A person who completed the works based on faith
  • Sat with him – All people with complete works based on sacrifice for others and nation and world
  • Reward of Throne – It is SATELLITE THRONE as Christ co-leader in the kingdom


Again, The Book of Prophecy tells us about 42 months, and TEMPLE is ours and Gentiles outside the TEMPLE those enemy of God.

The Two Witnesses

Revelation 11:1-2,?I was given a reed like a measuring rod?and was told, “Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers.?2?But exclude the outer court;?do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles.?They will trample on the holy city?for 42 months.?







Author’s Statements


LASTLY, the DIVINE LOVE is working us based on ROMANCE LOVE and protecting the human life as well as natures. The DIVINE LOVE is working through DIVINE LAW by means part of forgiveness under state justice. DIVINE LOVE is virtual powers of all inventors, Innovators, Authors, etc. Otherwise, invention, Innovation, authoring beyond human life and peace and progress for all benefits is not DIVINE LOVE. Keeping DIVINE LOVE based on gradual sacrifice as fruits of spirit of Christ. Sacrifice means leaving personal desire and comfortable life. instead, volunteering for the neighbors, Nation and World’s direction and progress and peace. It is the way under SAINTHOOD LIFE.


I am the one who completely sacrificing for you and Nation and World. Since 1967, after WISDOM entered into my heart, enduring and facing heavy challenges are part of my life, leaving worldly desire from my relatives, family and friends. For a period of 33 years, my partner in life still favoring her friends than me. I am proud to be encountered such challenges and still stay with her for the dignity of my children. The children with parent were foundation of journey to life. Historically, all peoples were chosen SAINTHOOD LIFE experienced the same situation. Jesus already mentioned these things, “There is no Prophet will be respected by his own country. And in personal way, God is calling based on two options, “obey your partner desire under corrupts world or obey God’s will under gradual sacrifice”.


This is the definition of DIVINE LOVE. Amen!!!


FURTHERMORE, all my books and articles covering three categories, “Religion, Global Leaderships and Sports”. And all these fields part of one UNIVERSAL BODY of Christ with goal to finish mission for LIFE. It means that missing one of the three levels will be lost its rewards as Heavenly inheritor of LIFE and SATELLITE THRONE (Revelation 3:14-22).

We are part of one UNIVERSAL BODY of Jesus-Christ and following his footsteps based on one DOGMA OF LIFE, to love one another regardless of religion and citizenships. All my books and Articles are part of one original source dividing to multiple divisions of understandings, “1. The 77 Dreams which directly granted to me, 2. Catholic Dogma and teaching of Christ life, 3. Global Leaderships and Scientific discoveries for temporary life and understandings”. Basically, the body are many branches with specific mandate. And therefore, to dance with them, my works must be part of them by different ways of explanations and interpretations from same source (Jesus Life and Biblical numbers through WRITTEN TORAH, ORAL TORAH and NEW TESTAMENT by means combination of Jesus worked and Apostles life, and missions through Heavenly QUEENHOODS of the Virgin Mary-Revelation chapter 12:1-5).


Revelation 12:1-5 (NIV)

The Woman and the Dragon

12?A great sign?appeared in heaven:?a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars?on her head.?2?She was pregnant and cried out in pain?as she was about to give birth.?3?Then another sign appeared in heaven:?an enormous red dragon?with seven heads?and ten horns?and seven crowns?on its heads.?4?Its tail swept a third?of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.?The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child?the moment he was born.?5?She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.”[a]?And her child was snatched up?to God and to his throne.


“Book of Life, Book of Wisdom and Book of Glory inside the 1,419th Code of Writing and 1,156th Article and 1,425th Code of Writing and Article 1,162nd”. The complete definitions and Analysis for the sextuple Universal Judgments, let read and study the 258th Book or 1,174th ARTICLE”.

OVERALL, since “Science, Physics, Mathematics, Anthropology, Geology, Biology, Philosophy, Theology, etc. can’t interpret more important related to GLORY OF LIFE except temporary things as well as Soul’s preparations under Theology, the founding Author inviting you to know Heavenly and earthly Creations, Human, Angels and Spiritual populations. Powers of Kingdoms and sextuple Judgments as a whole. Let search all “263 Books and 1000s of Articles” under TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES.



God Bless the World


Tito D. Sapetin, Wi. U


·???????? Tito Sapetin: Personal Account: (

·???????? Founding Author: TDS WISDOM VISION OF STUDIES (

·???????? Contributing Author: UN Global Compact (

·???????? Documents Website: https://www.

·???????? Academic Website: https://www.sapetin@harvard or sapetin@harvard



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