There Is Direction to This Fire Now. Thank F**k.
Ever had that moment when things start to click? You find yourself in the right headspace, with the right people around you and magic happens. This is what I've found during the recent writing workshops I’ve been attending. This week was our last session together and one of my fellow writers shared a line that immediately jumped out at me and has stuck with me since: "There is direction to this fire now. Thank F**k." It perfectly summed up our collective journey as a group - from wanting to write but feeling lost, frustrated and not sure where or how to start, to finding a way to let the words flow.
The 'F**k It' Philosophy
Our group, aptly named the "F**k It Writing Collective," had a few guidelines, (the first rule of write club was definitely not "don't talk about write club"). The most important one was to embrace the "F**k it." mentality. Just write. No overthinking, no second-guessing - just get your words down and (ideally) be brave enough to share them with the group. This liberating approach reminded me that sometimes, my biggest hurdle is my own hesitation. Once we let go, creativity takes the wheel. I'm so grateful to Sarah MacGillivray and Lynette Gray , our group leaders, for creating a space that allowed for this and for their exercises and support in guiding us to a headspace that got us there.
The Power of Accountability
Another key takeaway from the workshop was the magic of accountability. Having set times to write, alongside others, made all the difference. It was like having a gym buddy, but for my brain. Each week we showed up for ourselves and each other, a big step in helping us finally turn those intentions into actions.
Looking for a Body Double
The group environment reminded me of "body doubling," a technique where working alongside someone else boosts focus. It's often something that's helpful for those with ADHD in particular. A friend mentioned this week that she uses body doubling apps and online communities to stay on track. I'm considering trying this with some of my fellow F**k It friends to keep the momentum going - I'm sure I won't be the only one needing to keep the focus going!
A New Chapter Begins
This whole experience has really helped grow my confidence in creative writing. In particular, a project that's been swirling in my mind (and chats with my writing partner) for YEARS is finally making its way onto the page - hurrah! And I’m even thinking about performing one of my poems at an upcoming F**k It Writers Collective open mic night , hosted, of course, by the fabulous Lynette and Sarah.
So, that's the view from my desk this week. Embracing the 'f**k it' mindset has set my creative fire ablaze, and I can't wait to see where it leads. Hope you've all had a positive week this week too.
This Week's Wise Words
"The scariest moment is always just before you start." — Stephen King
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." — Zig Ziglar