Direct your Attention.
Be aware of declarations. When we speak of something that is in contrast to our desired state of being, we are empowering, deepening and solidifying its existence. We must speak, instead, of that which we love, appreciate, enjoy and desire. It is not a denial of our current perceptions; it is simply a determination to construct a pathway that is aligned with the experience that we wish to create (rather than the one in which we are now standing). Thoughts create. Words and emotions bring those thoughts into our reality. If we are consistently focused on what we do not want (which may be our current circumstance), then we are ensuring that we will experience more of it.
If we desire to feel better, the quickest path to doing so is not by continually telling and retelling the story of our sorrow, disconnection or misery. We must redirect our attention (at all times) to that which is enjoyable, fun-filled and joyful. We can appreciate the discomfort of our current circumstances by using it for what it is--an indicator of where/how our life is out of alignment with our desires. Because of the experience of what we do not want, we are able to be clear about what we DO want. It may not feel great right now, but that is a gift! Allow it to serve its purpose by using it for our greater good.
Spend some time today nurturing your spirit. Step away from any feelings of angst and discomfort and indulge the joy that is patiently waiting to be unleashed. What will you do right now to raise your vibration? What will you do to radically lift your spirit? Take a walk in nature, dance in your living room, call a friend and tell them how much you love them. Make your emotional well-being your greatest priority.
Success or sabotage? Successful people are not spared of obstacles; they simply learn to become more focused on the achievement than the obstruction.
Is this going to be an incredible day? The potential for the best day is always readily available; will you utilize it?