Direct Weighing or Tip to Weigh
In a world of time is money how many people are still willing to spend upfront to save in the long term?
Well now not only is it more cost effective but it will save more time and money as well as helping you stay on the right side of the law.
How you say! Direct weighing via an onboard load cell system rather than the old style tip to weigh option. Price the scenario, your driver goes to a site and loads up, now the site rules say due to H & S you can't tip to check weight there. They drive off site, tip the body and well your over weight. Here's the problem, they are now not allowed back onsite as they are overloaded, they can't tip spoil there as thats fly tipping and if they drive off then both of you are liable to be stopped and prosecuted for overloading. It's an expensive headache to have.
Well now price this scenario, your driver drives onto site and informs the loader to stop loading when the beacon flashes on the cab (this is tied into the direct weighing system that not only checks GVW but axle weights as well), the beacon flashes, the driver gets back into the cab and drives off. So the question is which is a better option for everyone all round, 'direct weighing of course' I hear you say, 'but the cost to install must be huge'. Why? All you need are brackets, and there is no moving the ram or lifting chassis' etc, and the hinge bar is the same for both options, so why don't you have it?
There are already sites that are strict on vehicles and with FORS and Health & Safety looking at every step then why not make the jump to these systems before you are pushed. Not only are they easily installed but there is no reason why you can't service and maintain the system yourselves, further reducing costs for the company.
If you wish to know about the Red Forge Type approved option then please contact me on 01527 526 112