Direct Primary Care, Health Care Sharing Ministries Membership Dues To Quality For More Favorable Tax Treatment Under Proposed Tax Rules
Cynthia Stamer
People, performance, operations, regulatory affairs and other compliance, risk & operations management attorney for health, insurance, employee benefits & other performance reliant business & government organizations.
August 8, 2020 is the deadline to comment on Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) proposed regulations that if adopted as proposed will allow membership payments for participation in direct primary care (“DPC”) and health care sharing ministries (“HCSMs”) to qualify as medical expenses eligible for the itemized deduction under Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) Section 213 and for reimbursement by an employer sponsored health reimbursement arrangement (“HRA”). Read the details at #DPC #HCSM #Directprimarycare #healthcare #healthcaresharingministries #HRA #solutionslawyer