The Direct Correlation Between Good Design And Business Growth

The Direct Correlation Between Good Design And Business Growth

There’s no arguing -- planning in order to reach a business goal is essential. But what isn’t as clear are the elements that enable a company to reach their objective. Perhaps one of the most essential of those components is design. Once focused mainly on packaging and products, design is now a philosophy spanning creative processes that can transform organizations. Daily, our agency works with clients ranging in industry and size to uncover the ideal strategies to help them meet their goals, gain market share and change their business for the better. In our work, we have learned that design encompasses more than just visuals on the screen or in print -- it embodies the message and vision of an organization. Affecting virtually all aspects of customer and brand experience, from product development to customer service, I believe good design is the cornerstone of a thriving brand.

With strong ties to business development, design's roots run deep. From the phrase, “Good design is good business ,” coined in 1973 by Thomas John Watson, Jr., the former CEO of IBM who put his stamp on the company through the use of modern design, to Steve Jobs' statement, "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works," the sentiment is clear.?Following suit, highly visible organizations like Google and Nike have become well known for their intuitive design innovations that make our lives easier. And many other companies -- even those not known for market-disrupting innovation -- are emphasizing good design in the development of products and customer experiences.

Beyond Aesthetics

Much more than just the way something looks, design is a plan in and of itself. Arriving at the right design for the right company at the right time involves intensive research?that gets to the heart of how a brand needs to engage with its market. In my experience, uncovering the ideal design strategy for a company begins by understanding the deeper roots of a business -- its founding vision, core beliefs, user personas, differentiating factors, company goals and problems solved, to name just a few.?Whether by an outside agency or in-house design or marketing team, the process must involve defining the communication challenge and developing solutions around it. For example, the question can be asked: why do customers use our product or service? Answers to this simple question can reveal the core reasons why users are drawn to a brand, which can then translate into a sales-boosting campaign.

Designers, marketers and strategists working together can make these experiences seamless by considering the context of use and what differentiates the brand from its competition. From my experience, the most successful outcomes occur when design assets are aligned with business goals. To truly understand these requirements, the process must involve exploring what the company does best and understanding the culture and vision, who the audience is and how the brand experience should ideally be portrayed.

Transformative Design

Realizing that design can be a powerful conversion tool with the ability to turn strategy into tangible business results, companies in the healthcare, technology, economics, transportation and entertainment segments are leaning on and investing in optimized design strategies to support their next phase of growth. According to Adobe's?State of Create 2016 ?report, 59% will choose to do business with a company over one of its competitors based on good design, and 45% have even paid more for a product or service with good design within the year leading up to the study.

Considering design as an integral part of the success of a business requires more than just curating creative assets. Successful design begins with an overall strategy that communicates messaging and usability to customers and the brand's community. This integration of all aspects of a company’s DNA makes better design an investment that will deliver sustainable results.

The Consequence Of Bad Design

A top reason for implementing a strategic design initiative, where research and measurement are involved, is to avoid bad design. Consider a newly launching company, eager to get a website up and running to drive sales. Common pitfalls include underdeveloped content, poorly taken photography (or no visuals at all) and little or no thought about the customer journey. When a design is put together that lacks clarity and direction, it is unable to adequately represent the brand or company and leaves no room for engagement.

In Adobe's report, 46% of people responded, "I will not purchase from a brand if its website or mobile experience is poorly designed," and 50% admitted to judging companies based on their marketing material's design quality.

From content to visual design, the strength of audience engagement is directly related to the strength of good design, as these efforts work to define a credible, trustworthy brand through consistency, predictability and visibility.

Measuring Success

While it may seem the ROI of design is hard to measure, while it's all too easy to see the costs involved to create it, consider the organic and far-reaching, positive effects. From bolstering market share to generating jobs, I have witnessed good design solidify a company’s standing in the marketplace. Following?the recent?Design In Business ?report from Accenture Strategy, “'Design-alert' businesses achieve a 125% return on their design-related investments.”

The fact is, good design should function. Known for his innovative automobile designs for BMW and other iconic brands, Henrik Fisker put it well by saying, "If design isn't profitable, then it's art." Regardless of size, investing at scale in this critical element is essential in order to compete with visible companies that have design-driven values. Through research, questioning and implementation, a strategy can be developed with which to build an aligning design process for scalable engagement.



