Dios Exploration Inc. (DOS-V)

DIOS reports gold zones drilled on K2 Property -  NE Sesame target  with drilling planned on nearby Cardamom Target
Dios Exploration Inc.

Dios Exploration Inc. (DOS-V) DIOS reports gold zones drilled on K2 Property - NE Sesame target with drilling planned on nearby Cardamom Target

DIOS reports gold zones drilled on K2 Property - ?NE Sesame target ?with drilling planned on nearby Cardamom volcanics and potentially on NE Gabbro Badji area, on strike to the SW of Patwon, Eeyou Istchee-James Bay, Québec.

?Gold zones drilled on K2 NE Sesame target - Drilling planned on nearby Cardamon volcanics and on NE Badji-Gabbro, in strike SW of Patwon


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See: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/qcx-gold-corp-qcx-v-completes-diamond-drilling-golden-eric-lemieux/

Dios reported on April 13, 2022 an update from its K2 Project in Eeyou Istchee-James Bay, Québec. The 2 exploratory drill holes totalling 664 m were drilled 400 m distance apart on the Sesame Prospect in the NE sector of the K2 Project ~6 km north of Opinaca fault structure. Recall Sesame is located to the NE of the Cinnamon Prospect and the early 2021 drilling (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/dios-exploration-inc-dos-v-more-results-from-drill-program-lemieux/). The Curcama Shear Zone lies to the SW and the Sesame Prospect is centred on ?FP/QFP intrusion unit. Hole K2-21-11 returned 2.88 g/t Au over 0.5 m (1.21 g/t Au over 1.6 m), as well as 2.76 g/t Au over 0.3 m (0.73 g/t Au over 1.15 m) and 0.74 g/t Au on 0.95 m. ?Anomalous metric intercepts of >100 ppb Au and up to 0.26 g/t Au on 3.7 m were also intercepted in granodiorite. Mr. Harold Desbiens, geo, the 43-101 QP, (https://www.diosexplo.com/en/a-notre-sujet/dirigeants-et-conseil-dadministration/) sampled ~210.5 m of the 663.6 m of Sesame core and some assay checks shall be made as a visible gold intercept returned 0.86 g/t Au on 0.5 m.? The gold zones are associated with an airborne interpreted IP (AIIP) anomaly in an area with no outcrops.

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Ouvre-toi Cardamone: We understand that follow-up drilling is planned on Cardamom volcanic target 1.2 km NE of Sesame. The Cardamom Target area lies within altered volcanics (silicified & pyritized) directly north of Sesame FP/QFP intrusion. Up to 3 E-W EM-input anomalies are coincidental with short airborne IP chargeable zone over 1 km-strike length. Strongest chargeability centered apparently on 2 bull's-eyes (about 350m diameter, 100-275m depth) that seem to increase with depth. Another EM-input (Cardamom-W) is located 800m west of this cluster. The Cardamom EM (Inputs & VTEM) and airborne IP conductors were visited by Dios' team but there are not outcroppings as the area is swampy. Interestingly, directly east of the target, a grab-sample from an E-W felsic dyke had yielded up to 2.69 g/t Au. The Cardamom Target is also located ~5km up-ice (NE) of gold-bearing altered felsic volcanic floats (6.72 g/t Au) and associated to well-defined kilometric gold-in-till (WI-target) anomaly. It is located within the low-magnetic area within a metamorphic greenschists-grade domain.

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Greater Attila Area: Other follow-up drilling is planned, pending news to come on the Windfall Geotek AI target area, to the south and proximal to the Opinaca fault (see again: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/dios-exploration-inc-dos-v-more-results-from-drill-program-lemieux/). Recall on December 9, 2021, Dios reported that it drilled 2 holes in section for 260 m in the middle of the 0.87 km2 AI target, cross-cutting a 3.5 km VLF and magnetic structure. ?

To the north of this general area, lies the NE Gabbros-Badji target area which is located a few km NE of a major gold-copper-silver bearing volcanic dome lying on top of a large porphyry, itself lying on top of the Kali intrusion. The southern contact of the magnetic NE Gabbros and felsic volcanics is considered a good structural target due to rheologic rock contrasts and was also selected by Windfall Geotek’s Artificial Intelligence study. It also hosts 2 E-W VLF-EM conductors associated with sulfidic mineralization including the historical SDBJ Showing (1.08% Cu & 13.8 g/t Ag) and is locally well sericitized and silicified. ?Within the felsic volcanics, several grabs yielded anomalous gold (0.170-0.265 g/t Au), copper (0.2-0.6% Cu) and silver (up to 19.7 g/t Ag) values. Further ~100m to the north, Dios had discovered the Badji Showing consisting of centimetric pyrite-chalcopyrite stringers in foliated strongly sericitized dacite yielding up to 5.39 g/t Au, 111 g/t Ag, 5.05% Cu.

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This?general target-area, to the north of Attila, is located in the possible SW extensions of the gold-bearing Patwon and Barrick structures on the neighbouring Azimut Exploration's Elmer project (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/azimut-exploration-inc-azm-v-elmer-gold-project-patwon-eric-lemieux/ and https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/azimut-exploration-inc-azm-v-set-commence-new-drilling-eric-lemieux/ as well as https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/azimut-exploration-inc-azm-v-more-interesting-results-eric-lemieux/?published=t).

Systematic prospecting is planned along this favourable contact (of ~ 2 km strike) as well as fill-up soil-sampling and detailed magnetics. Following 2022 field work, new drilling would be planned on best targets/showings.

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Please see end of: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/dios-exploration-inc-dos-v-more-results-from-drill-program-lemieux/




Québec remains ranked 6th in the Fraser Institute rankings. See the recent Fraser Institute rankings (https://www.fraserinstitute.org/studies/annual-survey-of-mining-companies-2021?utm_source=Media-Releases&utm_campaign=Annual-Survey-of-Mining-Companies-2021&utm_medium=Media&utm_content=Learn_More&utm_term=415)?

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Important Disclosures


Dios Exploration Inc.???????????????????????????????????????

B????????????The Mining Analyst, in his own account or in a family related account, owns securities in excess of 10,000 shares of the issued and outstanding equity securities of this issuer.

R????????????This issuer has indirectly paid the Mining Analyst.

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UPDATE: June 23, 2022

Drilling results and future plans for the K2 Project SW of Patwon discovery in Eeyou Istchee - James Bay, Québec.

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Dios disclosed on June 21, 2002 drill results from its 2021 diamond drill program on the K2 gold-copper property in Eeyou Istchee-James Bay, Québec. Recall on October 28, 2021, Dios had reported that it had successfully completed a first phase 2,020m diamond drill program (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/dios-exploration-inc-dos-v-more-results-from-drill-program-lemieux/. The 100%-owned K2 property is adjacent in same trend WSW to Azimut Exploration Inc.'s Elmer project and is burdened with no royalties. The eastern K2 Project area, to the SE of Attila Target zone, and south of Opinaca Fault is locus of an extensive (~3.5 km-long) ENE magnetic lineament/VLF-IP conductor (A-48). The area was targeted with 5 holes (1,365m) on the first priority IP conductors (P07-P06) (2 holes for 840m), P11 (1 hole for 254m) and VLF conductor (2 holes for 260m) extending along northern flank of Solo volcanic syncline.

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Disappointing results: Hole #15, targeted P-11 intersecting a 36.7m-thick sequence (101.40-136.20m) of carbonated chert alternating with cm graphitic argillite horizons that averaged 3-15% pyrrhotite-pyrite stringers. Laminated chert returned only 0.126 g/t Au over 0.80m and 0.281 g/t Au over 0.45m. This A48 Anomaly fits with the CARDS Artificial Intelligence target generated by Windfall-Geotek. Host rocks are volcanic/tuffs and cherty sulfurized sediments.

Within an extensive swampy area that turned out solid enough to establish drill pads, 2 drill holes #13 and #14 targeted the first priority IP conductors (P07-P06). Hole #13 targeted a very chargeable section of P07 and Hole #14 targeted a moderately chargeable and more resistive area. Both holes intersected a thick (70-100m) sequence of alternating intermediate ash, lapillis and crystal tuffs/ graphitic argillites/ laminated mafic and felsic tuffs variably mineralized with 1-15% disseminated pyrrhotite-pyrite. Gold values associated with sulfurized sequences only attained up to 0.012g/t Au with minor zinc (sphalerite) (up to 0.127% Zn over 4.5 m).

Holes #16 and #17 targeted the southward extent of P-11 (A-48 VLF conductor with gold-in-soil anomalies). Hole #16 intersected 4m of laminated chert with altered graphitic argillite and intermediate tuffs hosting 1-7% pyrrhotite-pyrite stringers. Top values were only 0.024g/t Au over 2.85m and a sulfide-rich section (42.40-56.25m) with 1m at 0.032g/t Au. Hole #17 was drilled in section from same set-up with steeper dip and encountered a similar sequence of laminated chert with argillite/tuffs hosting 2% pyrite and 2% pyrrhotite (25-41m); gabbro-granodiorite dykes (41-45m) with 1-8% po(py), alternating graphitic argillite/intermediate tuffs/chert with 2-6% Po-Py stringers (45-71.4m) and massive sulfides (80% Po, 10% Py, tr-Sp) grading up to 0.026 g/t Au over 7.7m (71.4-79.1m). A sulfide-rich section (41-79.1m) yielded up to 1m at 0.034g/t Au.

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Results south of the Opinaca Fault all returned notable amounts of pyrite-pyrrhotite within semi-massive to massive sulfides horizons that are weakly anomalous with gold. We infer that more drill holes would be planned along strike by Dios.

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More drilling planned: Dios also disclosed its plans for a drill program 4-5 km north of Opinaca fault in NE K2 property, in felsic volcanics intruded by a series of small gabbro plugs, 9 km SW of Patwon discovery within the greater Attila Area.?This area is said to be located along prospective shear zones, in same geological formation as is underlying Azimut's Elmer property. Up to 10 drill holes are planned for 2000-2500 m including a few on the Cardamome Target to the north within altered volcanics directly north of Sesame QFP intrusion. Up to 3 holes are planned on an east-west EM-input. Drilling is planned after prospecting program and infill soil-sampling. In essence, we understand that more exploratory drill programs are planned by Dios to follow up different areas.??

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Please see also:




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UPDATE - August 9, 2022


Ground IP survey commenced in northeastern part of the K2 Project SW of Patwon discovery in Eeyou Istchee - James Bay, Québec.??


Dios disclosed on August 9, 2022 that it is undertaking a ground IP survey in northeastern K2 Project in the Eeyou Istchee - James Bay area of NW Québec. The 16 km IP (Induced Polarization) EM survey should help define drill targets for a drill program to commence in September 2022 on the 100%-owned K2 Project. ?The project is located ~10km SW of Azimut Exploration (AZM-V) Patwon discovery (https://azimut-exploration.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Corporate-Presentation-August-2022.pdf

and https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_quebec-jamesbay-project-activity-6962492490096484352-Mp7J?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web), along prospective shear zone gold corridor within felsic volcanics intruded by series of small gabbro plugs 4-5 km north of the Opinaca fault.

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Volcanic rocks intertwined with small gabbro plug series – a good metallotecte: The NE area of the K2 Project is crosscut by 2 NE-SW shear zones and 2 E-W kilometric ground VLF-EM anomalies likely related to sulfidic mineralization and locally well sericitized and silicified units. The presence of small magnetic gabbro plug contacts with altered dacites likely form good structural targets per rheological contrasts (NE Gabbro area). Dios discovered the Badji Prospect (grading up to 5.39 g/t Au, 111 g/t Ag, 5.05% Cu, 93 ppm bismuth). ?A few km further to the SW, the Kali Showing (grading up p to 2.6 g/t Au, 34 g/t Ag and 8.28 % Cu) is associated with a Quartz Porphyry near volcanic units.??

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Remaining active: Up to 10 diamond drill holes are planned (2,300 m) within these target areas as well as on the Cardamom Prospect located within altered volcanics north of Sesame QFP intrusion. We expect Dios to remain active this fall with the drill program on K2 and with other projects in its Eeyou Istchee - James Bay project portfolio. For example: in the Eastmain Mine area (https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_dios-exploration-inc-dos-v-on-august-activity-6701483177761886208-JXYK?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web) and the Eau Claire area (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/dios-exploration-inc-dos-v-doubles-size-its-lithium33-eric-lemieux/).

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Please see also: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/dios-exploration-inc-dos-v-more-results-from-drill-program-lemieux/.


UPDATE: August 31, 2022

Significant 900 m long IP anomaly over Badji gold-copper-silver showing from IP survey just completed in northeastern K2, SW of AZM Patwon gold discovery in Eeyou Istchee - James Bay, Québec.??


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On August 31, 2022, Dios reported ground IP (induced polarization) survey was completed on northeastern part of the 100% owned K2 property in the Eeyou Istchee - James Bay area of NW Québec. The IP survey reveals preliminary results in volcanic rocks intertwined with small gabbro plug series, ~10 km SW of Patwon discovery of Azimut Exploration (AZM-V) Patwon discovery (https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/azimut-exploration-inc-azm-v-more-interesting-results-eric-lemieux/?published=t), along a regional prospective shear zone gold corridor. Several IP axis anomalies have been defined by the 16 km-line IP survey at 200 m line spacing and permits to refine potential drill targets for a mid-September 2022 drill campaign.

Refining targets: The PP-5 chargeability anomaly is ~900m long and associated with a previous identified gold-copper-silver mineralized zone.???Dios discovered Badji showing in 2014 (up to 5.39 g/t Au, 111 g/t Ag, 5.05% Cu, 93 ppm bismuth) consisting of centimetric stringers of pyrite-chalcopyrite in foliated strongly sericitized dacite proximal to the Kali intrusion.

PP-3, ~400m long, is a strong anomaly in its center part and is also associated with volcanic units but also borders the southern contact of small gabbro plugs.

PP-1, ~400m long, is associated with sulfidic mineralization in a magnetic gabbro proximal to a historical Westmin showing (grading up to 1.08 % Cu, 13.8 g/t Ag, 0.41 g/t Au). These gabbro plugs have been poorly explored.

PP-8 & PP-9 appear associated with the Shiva Showing, a mineralized horizon (up to 2.12 g/t Au) in volcanics.

Match plan: Up to 11 diamond drill holes (2,300 m) have been planned within the target areas of the northeastern part of the K2 property.

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UPDATE: February 25, 2023

Drilling on the K2 Project in Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Québec gives some anomalous copper results but not much more unfortunately.


On February 23, 2023, Dios disclosed drill assay results from its 2,540m 2022 drill program on the 100% owned K2 Project in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay area of NW Québec. Dios drilled 13 helicopter supported holes on 10 favourable IP (Induced Polarization) conductors, associated with previous surface gold-silver-copper (Au-Ag-Cu) grab-samples and/or soil-samples. Drilling investigated, among other, the Badji horizon (PP5 and PP6 targets) and the PP9 (Shiva horizon) within the felsic volcanic rock package located in NE sector of the K2 property (and ~10 km SW of Patwon gold discovery of Azimut Exploration). Dios reported what it believes are significant copper intercepts in its Fall program completed on October 2, 2022 on K2 on the Badji horizon. Recall on September 29, 2022, Dios had reported that its ongoing diamond drilling by Youdin-Rouillier Diamond Drilling was well underway following announcement of the start of the drill program on September 19, 2022. The K2 Project is located to the SW of a potential favourable gold-bearing trend stemming from the Patwon and Barrick shears to the NW and total’s ~162 claims for 8,200ha along the Opinaca River. The area is located in volcanics (dacite) and gabbro/quartz porphyry bodies.?

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Details of the diamond rill results: The extensive 1km long PP-5 conductor was well outlined by an IP survey last Fall 2022 and coincidental with the i) Badji showing (up to 5.05%Cu, 5.39 g/t Au, 111 g/t Ag) host to centimetric pyrite-chalcopyrite (PY-CP) stringers in foliated and strongly sericitized dacite and ii) the historical SDBJ showing (1.08% Cu, 13.8 g/t Ag). The PP-5 conductor was investigated by 6 holes (DDH #1 to #5 and #11) and cut several decametric silicified dacite with disseminated and stringer PY-PO-CPY as well as QFP (quartz-feldspar porphyry) with 1-5% PY. Main intercept in DDH #3 was 35.2m @ 0.16% Cu, 1.93 g/t Ag and 28.5m @ 0.103% Cu and 0.28 g/t Ag.

Hole #10 intersected at 120m depth an interval of 3.64 g/t Au, 1.11g/t Ag, 0.55% Zn over 0.5m in volcanic tuff with 1-2% PO-SP (-CPY) stringers along 400 m-long PP-10 IP conductor. ?Such volcanic tuff may represent a volcanism break, and Dios believes follow-up should be pursued on this horizon.

The PP-9 conductor, ~600m west of PP-10 and 300m south of PP-5, was tested with DDH #6 and #7.?The PP-9 conductor, 800m-long in strike, is associated with the Shiva showing that yielded up to 2.12 Au in sulfurized dacites intruded by gabbro dykes. Hole #6 returned 2.2g/t Au over 0.5m in a QFP.

Further NE, hole #13 hit 20-40% PY in a 0.5m-thick dacitic tuff (37.75-38.25m), no assays were reported. A further ~200m further north, prospecting had returned 2.19 and 1.24g/t Au from grab-samples on quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite veins.

Along the 600m-long PP-1 conductor, 2022 surface prospecting had yielded 1.425, 0.747 and 0.535g/t Au from mineralized quartz veins in (or in contact with) the gabbro. Hole #12 cut a foliated gabbro with 5% quartz-carbonate veinlets-veins & 0.5-1% PO-PY (6-114.25m), again no assay values reported.

Finally, the 500m-long PP-3 was tested by Hole #8 which intersected a sheared gabbro with 3-4% quartz-carbonate veinlets and 1% PO, TR-CPY (33.50-48.55m), with no assay reported.

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Overall, drill results did not deliver significant intercepts and are somewhat below expectations: We estimate reported drill holes give an off the envelop average of 2,305 ppm Cu, 0.46 g/t Au and 2.82 g/t Ag over a median width of 0.75m. A few km SW, Dios had discovered up to 8.28% Cu at Kali Lake, 3.71% Cu at Attila (8.08 g/t Au) and 6.42% Cu at Curry. ?Also, gold at the ?Wi Targets further west and north (Curcuma, Sesame and Cardamone) had been previously drilled (see: ?(https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/dios-exploration-inc-dos-v-active-elmer-area-its-k2-project-lemieux/) and https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/dios-exploration-inc-dos-v-more-results-from-drill-program-lemieux/). It remains to be seen if Dios shall revisit certain these areas with more focused, technically driven drilling.

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Lithium positioning: Dios has generated 3 to 5 lithium projects in Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Québec with Lithium33 (146 claims for 7,705ha), Nemiscau-North (164 claims for 9,274ha), Pontax-North ( 33 claims for 1,760ha) and LeCaron (57 claims for 3,000ha) projects; in line with its previous historical expertise in the area (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/dios-exploration-inc-dos-v-doubles-size-its-lithium33-eric-lemieux).

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