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?I'll just go straight to the point.

If you don't like your weight loss plan and it's a struggle to find the energy to follow it then of course you haven't seen any permanent results.

And it's no surprise you don't like your plan. Chances are it involves unnecessary cardio, too much time at the gym, and ungodly restrictions to what you can and can't eat.

The perfect recipe for you to fail.

Let's address each one of these points one by one and at the end you'll know exactly what you need to do so you can finally break this vicious cycle.

#1- Cardio

Let's use running as an example. But this applies to any sport or exercise.

The amount of bad information around the proper use of cardio is baffling to me. I've said this before and I'll say it again.

Running is not a tool to lose weight, it's a tool to improve your cardiovascular system. In the best-case scenario, a 10 mile or 10 km run is going to burn more or less the equivalent of 3 slices of bread. So basically, afterward, you're 3 bread slices away from completely undoing everything you just did.

One other issue is the more you do the more you need to do.

Basically, as the body begins getting used to running consistently it becomes more efficient at spending energy when running. Living you with no option but to run more the next time so you can burn the same calories as you did the last.

The solution...

Stop! Doing! Cardio!

I know... It sounds crazy, but you don't actually need it. In fact, it only gives you an unrealistic option when trying to reach your ideal weight and temporary results at best, if any.

So you might ask..."If cardio is not a realistic option to permanently drop?fat how is my weight going to improve?"

The answer... Focus only on the foods you are putting in your body.

Nutrition is key to any weight loss goal. If you are in a calorie deficit you will lose weight even if you are seating behind a desk all day.

#2- Gym

Lifting weights is going to give you a nice athletic physique as the fat starts to come off but it's going to do very little to actually burn that fat.

2x to 3x workouts a week with 1 rest day in between is the ideal number to aim for. Any more and your just fatiguing the body and making the next workout harder to get through.

Basically, less is more.

Muscle building happens when resting, so get plenty of it.

?#3- Food

Now! Pay attention!

When trying to lose weight what you eat is your Alfa and your Omega.

This is true to the point of anyone being able to get into amazing shape just by addressing what they put in their body.

The key here is a consistent calorie deficit, this is the only thing you need to have in place to start dropping fat. It′s that simple.

Weight loss happens when more calories are being burned them can be replaced.

If you've tried this approach in the past you probably did it by actually counting the calories in your meals and eventually?couldn't be bothered?to do it anymore. I know, it's a lot of work and boring to do. It's also not necessary.

You might have also tried to eat fewer carbs.

This can be very beneficial for your health, but again, not necessary.

One big problem with this is the fact that your favorite foods all have carbs, and if you are following a weight loss plan that doesn't make room for it, then for how long can you really follow it?

So... Let me leave you with these actionable steps.

#1- Stop doing cardio completely, instead divert your energy and attention to knowing how many calories you're putting in your body day by day.

#2- Go easier on the gym, overtraining is a real problem and it comes with its own set of complications.

#3- Create a meal plan that fits your lifestyle with an important emphasis on making room for your favorite food so that 10 years from now you're not still trying to solve this problem.

Nail this and you'll finally be able to have more energy, focus, health, productivity and a physical appearance that will make you wish you would've done it sooner.

If you need more information and would like a plan tailored to you I am always available to help and point you in the right direction.

Go ahead and send me a message. Good Luck!

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