Dilemma of talent in melting economy

Dilemma of talent in melting economy

Nothing is permanent, not even the pandemic. Like everything, this also has a temporary existence. Philosophical speaking, it has come to deliver a hard message to humanity at large and I am sure it will.

It is a great learning opportunity for humanity, in fact once in a lifetime opportunity is knocking our door. A crisis of such magnitude and scale will have a significant impact on every aspects of our life. We all are witnessing unprecedented irreversible changes due to pandemic. We can almost see an imminent paradigm shift in all spheres of our life.

The impact is getting pronounced with every passing days. Entire socio-economic-political ecosystem has been caught unaware. Initial disbelief in its devastating power is giving way to survival instincts of the entire humanity. Many new patterns are replacing the old systems. It is for the time to prove whether such changes are temporary or will bring a permanent course change.

As survival and sustenance is threatened, impact is more visible and dramatic. Some alarming situation arising out of current pandemic are as below:

  • Economic meltdown - Stiff decline in the economic activities (barring few essentials) across the globe is alarming. Despite the best of the efforts of government and corporate, commerce and trade revival are far from sight. Serious supply chain disruption, transportation at stand still and silenced production unit casts their shadow beyond comprehension. A prolonged recession and predicted negative GDP in the ensuing year can be avoided if all turbo engines are fired at the same time.
  • Depleting personal resources - Due to job loss, reduction, or loss of income – sizable number of populations is sinking below poverty line (particularly unorganized sector). Household spending has become very conservative restricted to the essentials. People are learning to restrict their needs and patiently waiting and watching the events to unfolded. There is substantial reduction in discretionary spending by household, corporate and government to keep themselves economically viable.
  • Restricted movement- Due to interruptions in transportation and lock-down restrictions (most of the public facilities are closed). Global village has become virtual village, and we are grounded in our locality.
  • Digital interactions – Virtual world is considerably replacing face to face interaction, increased dependence on technology can change patterns of human interactions and expressions of various emotions. You can express any emotion (genuine or otherwise) by clicking on an emoticon or save yourself by switching off video siting bandwidth challenges.
  • Disruption in the daily routine – Our pattern of daily chores and schedule has been disturbed and changed. Work from home and self-imposed travel restrictions have changed the way we looked at the home and the workplace. All rituals, chores and rigmarole are aligning to current patterns.
  • Fear Psychosis - Unknown enemy (COVID 19) is spiking its deadly sting every day. It is unchallenged so far due to lack of vaccine. Particularly for those family where COVID flame has already made its way, crisis is real. There are two life circumstances which can impact mental balance – high impact in a very short period, and impact lingering over a long duration of time. Former to some extent had already made a dent, later at the end of July, is now slowly creating its scars and footprints.
  • Social platform of interactions – Even personal interactions are getting technology enable – business like discussion using technology. A generation already addicted to various screens have got reasons to further keep themselves glued. It is more of information sharing and communicating, less of connecting in majority of the cases.
  • Crumbling medical infrastructure – Scale of devastation and spiking number of infected will in no time challenge existing medial infrastructure like hospital beds and life support system like ventilators, nurses, doctors, medicine etc. It has already started showing signs of the same.
  • Unlearning, relearning, and up-skilling - Creation and destruction of values in various fields are happening simultaneously. Learning and building competencies around poly skill, cross skill with high level of adaption and creativity is critical to survive in current dynamic world. It is applicable to gig workers, millennial workers, experienced workers, remote workers, virtual workers, office workers or those working from home.

The list can be very long… these are slowly but steadily trying and testing existing norms, sometimes challenging it and many a times forcefully and abruptly changing it. It seems everyone is carrying lots of story these days.

There is unrest in various segment of workforce as mentioned below. There are exceptions to all the categories (for fast adopters), but number of exceptional candidates are minuscule. Unrest can be more visible in sectors like hospitality industry, entertainment, transportation (specially airlines), branded goods, luxury items, automobile, real estate etc.

  1. Redundant positions – Damocles sword is hanging over those whose job positions have become redundant and obsolete, due to reduced or negligible income and dripping recurring costs. Corporate are reeling under financial crisis (barring few with deep pockets). This is visible across the sector and cadre.
  2. High salary high position – This is a vulnerable group, few of them already being perceived as liability, especially those on extension. Justifying position is difficult in some cases. Keeping oneself relevant and quickly adapting to new format are taxing to overgrown individuals. Most of the organizations have recruitment freeze for such positions.
  3. Entry level positions – Although few organizations are justifying inducting their regular quota of fresher intake, a large number is shying away from the same. This is strategic choice; it can be futuristic assuming business will come back to the normal soon. Investment in terms of inducting, training, and providing other facilities for a lull period can be future investment.
  4. Retiring employees – With increased longevity and good health, many retiring professionals keep themselves active as retainer, availing extension provision, or as gig workers/consultants at least till 10 years post retirement. In India, since there is no social security system and next generation cannot be viewed as retirement plan, keeping oneself financially and physically independent is very crucial. With jobs evaporating from market, only few can move into next gig workforce.
  5. Employee in transition – Those who took call to quit in February or March end after getting new assignment, are in lurch as next organization may have lost business grounds or struggling to keep themselves on foot. Losing the roots, it is difficult to hunt for another job in shrinking job market.  

Difficult it may look, but it is exciting to live in charged and dynamic business scenario. Next level organizations can rebuild institutions around talent-centric strategies. Obviously, if you have best talent, then you cannot dictate terms, hence HR policies should foster empowered workforce and culture of excellence aligned to next generation technological aspirations. It may sound disruptive; we must live with it. It can be beginning of an empowered India, long waiting to stretch its wings and soar high.

It will be interesting to see sector wise customization of HR policies, processes, and initiatives.

What do you think should be profile of an HR leader in current economic environment to shape culture for next level aspirations?

Dr Rajiv Sinha

Head Business Excellence & Digital Learning | OD | Knowledge Management | HR Digitalisation | Assessor - HR Excellence, Business Excellence, Development Centre | ACC (ICF) | Operational Excellence | EFQM Assessor |

4 年

Very true. While pandemic will be temporary, scar will be for very very long.


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