Dilapidation Report
A dilapidation report is a document that records the condition of a property or structure before and after construction work. It is a comprehensive assessment that includes both written descriptions and photographs of the building’s current state. A dilapidation report is used for construction projects to document the existing damage of the surrounding property or properties, and to identify any new damage or defects caused by the construction work, excavation or demolition. A dilapidation report can help to avoid disputes, claims and litigation between the parties involved in the construction project, such as the contractor, the owner, the neighbours and the authorities. A dilapidation report can also help to plan for the repair or restoration of the damaged property or structure.
A dilapidation report is prepared by an impartial third party, such as a building consultant or a professional structural engineer, who has the expertise and experience to inspect and evaluate the condition of the property or structure. The dilapidation report should follow a standard and systematic format that includes:
- The date of dilapidation inspection
- Description of the area
- Inspected items
- Location plan view
- Photos/videos of the inspection
- Mention pre-existing defects
- Signature of the engineer conducting the survey
The dilapidation report should cover all aspects of the property or structure that might be affected by the construction work, such as:
- Tile cracks
- Internal and external wall cracks
- Exterior brickwork cracks
- Concrete or paver cracks
- Ground movement or settlement indications
- Roof leaks, cracks, and missing roof coverings
The dilapidation report should be prepared before and after the construction work to compare and contrast the condition of the property or structure. The pre-construction dilapidation report serves as a baseline to measure any changes or damages caused by the construction work. The post-construction dilapidation report serves as a final record to document any new damages or defects that occurred during the construction work.
A dilapidation report is an important tool for construction projects, as it can help to protect the rights and interests of all parties involved, and to ensure that the construction work is done in a safe and responsible manner.
What is the difference between dilapidation report and a building inspection?
A dilapidation report and a building inspection are both documents that assess the condition of a property or a structure, but they have different purposes and scopes. A dilapidation report is usually done before, during or after a construction project that may affect the property or structure, while a building inspection is usually done before buying or selling a property or structure. A dilapidation report focuses on identifying any damages or defects caused by the construction activities, while a building inspection covers various aspects of the property or structure, such as structural integrity, safety, compliance, functionality and quality. A dilapidation report can help to avoid or resolve disputes between the parties involved in the construction project, while a building inspection can help to make informed decisions about the purchase or sale of the property or structure.