DiGRA D-A-CH Game Studies Watchlist #48
?? Dr. Dr. Rudolf T. Inderst ??
Professor of Game Studies, Podcast Founder & Host, Newsletter Distributor and Video Essay Aficionado (+ Krav Maga Practioner)
?? AHOI there, game studies operators,
Here in Munich, the snow is really falling from above. And anyone who has often had to deal with snowfall in their life knows that nothing boosts your biorhythm like systematically pushing snow away. Over and over and over again. It's very calming. Especially at 5 o'clock in the morning. No, honestly. You realize very quickly that you're still alive - you become ... UNDYING!
... switching over to video essayist RagnarRox! "Clive Barker’s Undying came out in 2001. A formidable, highly underrated immersive-sim/horror adventure shooter with setting, story and prose penned by one of my favorite horror authors of all time. Clive Barker truly brought this project to life and this video is dedicated to the many things that make this game great and fascinating and worth remembering. It still feels great to play, and there’s a version on gog.com that runs well on modern machines."
... and since this newsletter also is the DiGRA D-A-CH newsletter, I also like to point to the a video summary of gamepathy #1 (a mixture of game studies conference and game jam) we supported a few weeks ago in Regensburg, Germany:
Stay healthy everyone - yours truly, Rudolf
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