Dignity Forever
This holds true more than ever..Dignity forever, 2024 and beyond.
Throughout history we always have people who think that they are somehow superior to others. Sadly, still today in 2020, some of us encounter bigotry on so many levels and in so many different aspects of our daily lives. There will always be those who will try to make us feel ‘less than’ them, and slyly try to take job opportunities, housing opportunities and other materialistic things from us, but there are certain things that no one can take from us. Having pride in yourself and in your own culture and history gives you just enough strength to keep moving on, even when they are steadily trying to knock you down and stop you. Every time I look at this 50-foot sculpture entitled ‘Dignity’ it gives me just enough strength and inspiration I need to keep moving on. – Randolph Randy Camp
(Photo: 50-foot sculpture ‘Dignity’ in South Dakota to honor women of the Sioux Nation)