digiWeekly - curated by Jon Reed

digiWeekly - curated by Jon Reed

Welcome to the digiWeekly

No, generative AI is not a replacement for marketers?- the generative AI hype balloons are everywhere, blocking out what should be an exciting time to improve and rethink. But as Barb points out in the aptly-titled?Why generative AI is not a replacement for marketers...whatever the cost-conscious CEO might think!, it's not just a misunderstanding of the technology. It's the temptation to use AI as a cost-cutting sledgehammer, and worry about the consequences some other day.

When you are compelled to double check a machine's for accuracy, that machine can't take your job. But it can certainly change it. (For a sharp take on generative AI's open questions, check George's?How generative AI is enabling the greatest ever theft/opportunity - delete as applicable).

Topics du?jour

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Looking forward with anticipation: Barbie film ‘required so much pink paint it contributed to worldwide shortage’

I'd say good riddance, but I suspect Microsoft has even more?intrusive/annoying/pseudo-adorable?helpful virtual assistants in store for us: Goodbye, Cortana: Microsoft's lively voice assistant will soon leave Windows

And now, for this - hardly the worst "generative AI is going to take your job!" article, but it's the one being tweeted like fresh popcorn: ChatGPT took their jobs. Now they walk dogs and fix air conditioners.

I'll give the article this much: it calls attention to a concerning aspect of this - cost-cutting run amok. Employers that are happy with an apparent tradeoff between cost-cutting and substandard/error prone copywriting are now weaponized for job layoffs.

Hmm... I think we've come full circle. See you next time.



