The Digitized Human
The Corona Virus has made a global impact unlike anything seen in modern times. It will also change the way we live forever. The paranoia of the disease and any future outbreaks will once again bring out the fears of the common person. The more conservative you are the more fearful. They will be the first to succumb to the new narrative of "we will protect you just give us control and your money". Big Pharma will lead the way and control the strings.
There is a move to digitize humanity, which will be the final step in controlling the human being. In order to protect you from any further exposure to a pandemic, we will equip you with a chip to be implanted under your skin. That chip will contain your DNA profile along with your medical history etc. It will also be able to track your movements. This way if there is a new outbreak we can determine if you were exposed due to your being in the vicinity of the outbreak and we will also be able to check the disease vs your vaccination records to determine how likely you are to be infected. You can then be tracked to your present whereabouts and quarantined or treated.
If you show up at your local restaurant, a chip reader can tell if you are up to date on your vaccinations and if you are running a temperature. If you fail you will be denied entry to protect those who choose to congregate there. You will be subjected to a follow up contact by your medical professional to determine next steps. In some case you will be taken off of the street and quarantined.
Should there be an outbreak of a new strain and it turns into a pandemic. Your treatment will be determined by your data in electronic triage. Your age, medical history, etc will be put into an algorithm, if there is a shortage of equipment or supplies to treat everyone it will determine whether you will be treated or sedated and left to die... A New World Order Fantasy? No it is being studied and tested in third world Africa as we speak.