Digitellen-uutiskirje 38/2024
Peeeerjataaiii! Perinteinen uutiskirje tulee eetteriin yht? varmasti kuin syksyinen ilmasto, siit? l?mmikett? lounastunnille, olkaa hyv?t:
New features and controls for your AI-powered campaigns
"Gemini models now help you build better Search campaigns in more languages. Google Search matches consumers with the right businesses who can offer what they want, right when they’re looking. This creates huge opportunities for businesses to connect with customers in their moments of need to drive results and ROI. "
Meta Publishes Checklist for Holiday Marketing Planning
"Okay, there are now only 100 days till Christmas, which means that it’s time to finalize your holiday marketing plans, and get a firm outline in place to ensure that you get the most out of your end-of-year push. And for most businesses (well, the ones reading SMT at least) that will mean running promotions on Facebook and/or IG, in order to reach the broadest range of interested consumers."
Linkedin kouluttaa teko?ly??n k?ytt?jien datalla – k?sittely alkoi jo ennen ehtojen p?ivitt?mist?
"Erikoiseksi uuden datank?ytt?tavan teki se, ettei palvelu ollut uudistanut k?ytt?ehtojaan vastaamaan muuttunutta k?yt?nt???n. Kun 404 Media kysyi asiaa palvelulta, sielt? vastattiin, ett? p?ivitetyt k?ytt?ehdot julkaistaan ”pian”. Sen j?lkeen, kun 404 Media julkaisi artikkelinsa aiheesta keskiviikkona 18. syyskuuta, Linkedin p?ivitti k?ytt?ehtojaan ja tietosuojak?yt?nt?j??n."
Why Elon Musks's 'X' Twitter rebrand is failing
"The focus on Elon Musk as the leader of X has not allowed X to truly establish itself in its own right. Too much of the brand’s equity to a personality means it is vulnerable to fluctuations according to the latest media interview or personal reputation changes. For X to truly stand on its own and grow there needs to be a separation from Elon and the brand."
Amazon lopettaa et?ty?t – ”Hy?dyt ovat merkitt?v?t”
"H?nen mukaansa yhteisty?, ideointi ja opettaminen on helpompaa, kun ollaan samassa tilassa. Jassy maalasi kuvaa ty?skentelytavoista, jotka olivat voimassa ennen koronapandemian puhkeamista. Jo vuosi sitten Jassy kirjelm?i ty?ntekij?illeen pitk?n listan asioita, jotka h?nen mielest??n puoltavat l?hity?t?. Jassy paalutti, ett? l?sn?palavereissa ihmiset ovat ”sitoutuneita, tarkkaavaisia ja viritt?ytyneit?”."
Lionsgate’s New Deal Is a Test of Hollywood’s Relationship With AI
"Even if actors’ and other performers’ work won’t be impacted by the new tools, it’s hard not to wonder about what effect new generative AI tools could have on those who work in preproduction and postproduction. Per the WSJ report, Lionsgate initially plans to use Runway’s custom tool for things like storyboarding. Eventually, the studio plans to use it to create visual effects for the big screen. According to Sag, “it’s impossible to know for sure which productivity tools will be job creators or destroyers,” but it does seem possible these tools could impact jobs."
Threads Users Can Now Add up to 20 Photos and Videos per Post
"As noted, Instagram expanded its carousel posts to 20 frames last month, and as such, it’s not a huge surprise to see Threads do the same. Though they’re not quite carousels, at least in the same way. Carousels on Threads are just multiple images added to an update, not a specific format as such. But the effect is the same, and having the capacity to add up to 20 images and/or videos is significant, and will expand your Threads posting options."
The Best Time to Post on LinkedIn to Boost Your Following + Engagement in 2024
"So, we can confidently say that your LinkedIn content is more likely to get engagement in these windows, whether you're looking to grow a LinkedIn Page for a brand or your own personal brand with a LinkedIn profile. But — and here’s the rub — every target audience is different. "
Mik? on Digitellen?
Digitellen on vuodesta 2013 ilmestynyt uutiskirje joka julkaistaan viikoittain julkisesti Tommi Viitalan Linkediniss? sek? s?hk?postilistalla. Uutiskirjeen aiheina on p??asiassa mainonta, markkinointi, innovointi ja tekniikka. #sharingiscaring
Intriguing updates, especially the move by Lionsgate to harness AI in filmmaking—definitely a sign of transformative times in the industry!