Digitalization in business processes (negotiations) – the Yeses & Noes.
Ha, what an overly present topic since 2019. We, coming from IT, welcomed the enhanced digital drive by this horrific pandemic. Of course, in this article I will not comment on the health and medical issues due to my lack of expertise in the field (even though finished a pharmacy high school and I am coming from a doctors/pharma parents – that doesn’t make me an expert?J), just I will say I really hope this will end soon so we can live our lives as we like & prefer. And all-in-all every one of us and our families to be safe.?
That being said, let’s get back to business. The processes of personal & organizational transformation are ongoing for at least 2 years now in the Western Balkans. Some started sooner using the best practices from all-around the world, implementing functioning solutions from other companies (practicing job shadowing, examining case-studies, researches, tools…) as well as via personal stories on and behaviors on personal level. Those who were early adopters or started beforehand with the digitalization process regardless if on personal or organizational level flourished. My approach is to acknowledge the bad, but focus on the good things. So in a way a lot of positive changes arrived:
- People outside of IT which obtained digital skills and become tech savvy, now are part of an attractive workforce pool (also those that lost their jobs and retrained);
- Remote work is a regular way of doing business (thus digital skills are must) and is one of the perks offered by employeers;
- Trust between the employers and employees had increased, as well as the sense of loyalty.
- Lost hours in commuting are decreased;
- Business and personal expenses in travel, hotel bills, lunches, per diems decreased;
- R & D departments are in focus (with higher budgets, personnel, equipment…) as a driving force in technology and science;
- Effectiveness of business communication increased and the number of non-key meetings decreased;
...................................................Please add more if you like in the comments section?:)
Speaking of business communication, one of my personal & scientific interests I would like to emphasize the influence that digitalization has had and its having. If I take one of the key business processes, the process of negotiation between business partners I found my master thesis research* and publication even more relevant than in 2014 when it was published. Now, after 7 years of intense hands-on experience in negotiations both face-to-face and virtual, I can say that my findings are still relevant. Key findings were following:
- Usage of virtual communication tools in business negotiations reduces the time needed for reaching an agreement and overall efficacy is increased (via reduced travel/per diem costs, as well as reduced physical absences of negotiators in their organizations)
- Virtual negotiators tend to follow more the established ethical norms then face to face negotiators;
- Mostly non-formal virtual negotiation tools are used which is one of the factors for decreased efficiency and security in the negotiation process;
- Bad hardware solutions (like usage of inappropriate microphones, speakers or bad net) negatively influences the individual perception including the observation of the body language of the negotiators technical problems.
Following these findings, the conclusion was and still is that virtual negotiations because of its lack of physical contact and body language (for example during asynchronous negotiations)?is not recommended in the initial/beginning and culminating negotiation situation, especially having in mind the characteristics of these situations as situations in which collaboration is initiated, the parties are getting to know each other and collaborate for the first time. Where virtual negotiations?are recommended is in true negotiations** which represent a negotiation situation in which parties know each other, already had collaboration and creatively approach to the negotiation subject.
Finally, to repeat, I hope this situation will end soon and we will hold on the positive things that we learnt and put our inefficient ways in the past where they belong?:)
Gruevski, D. (2010) Business negotiating. Bitola: 98- К DooelPrilep, page 118