Digitalising humanity?
Nadia Themis
Lecturer in Business | Staff Governor | Mindset Coach | Yoga Instructor |First Aid Trainer | Former Politician & Journalist | Pacifist & Author| EMCC
I was in Cyprus for Christmas holidays and we went to our favourite sushi restaurant. As Ellie says my daughter it is like a tradition. When I was travelling a lot whenever I was back in Cyprus, we always went out for sushi which by the way it’s her favourite food. Talking about democracy hahaha.?
We had a nice time; food was great although we had an argument with the restaurant manager as he told me they don’t serve tap water which it is by the way illegal! We sorted that out and of course kids were embarrassed once again haha. When the bill came, they told me that they do not accept cash. I thought okay that’s not an issue. When I went home, I was telling the story to my parents, and my Dad said “Ok, but what about people that they don’t have cards, or they don’t know how to use them? Interesting isn’ it?
Then I was reading what is happening to China, that they have created a local e-currency and that they will not allow people to save money. Talking about major control, right? I was wondering though will that policy apply to everyone. Like government officials, politicians etc.?
Then I was reading an article about HSBC going fully digital in the new year. I do know when I was a corporate tax planner that that was the plan for the whole world to go cashless. Now, that is happening though I don’t know if I like it. I will order online things that I do not have access or I don’t know from where to find them, I am still reading hardcopies books and newspapers. I am starting to feel ancient compared to other people my age that are fully tech living. I do offer training courses online and selling my portable wallet with facial mask and gloves. Yes, indeed I believe that the internet has been probably the best invention ever but like everything else there is always a dark side of it. It can isolate people and create distance. There was another article saying that a coach earning more than 500K yearly about teaching millennials and Gen Z how to communicate. We have a problem here people and it is getting worse.?
What can we do about it though? Question falls down on you, Do you have an issue of how to communicate with your colleagues, your manager, your friends? Face to face at least not through texting. Texting creates a “wall” which for most people it is considered to be “safe” as you don’t see their facial expressions. But do we have authentic relationships anymore? Colleagues sitting next to each other and they are talking through emails. Or have you ever had a colleague having an issue with you and after you had a friendly coffee with her she is going straight to the manager to report you? I mean what’s wrong?
Sometimes I feel that we are going backwards instead of forward, maybe we will be doing that with driving electronic car but is that evolution? What about my parents and your parents that they don’t get technology?
My mom went to the bank to send her granddaughter money to Netherlands and the bank told her she can send only 500.00 euro and no more no less because she is not allowed but she can do it online. My mom has not idea about smartphones and she doesn’t want to learn either. It makes her anxious that someone will steal her savings which by the way we all know that it can happen.
We are creating a world that excludes the elderly people. Our creating a world that everything and everyone will be controlled?How would you feel if they told you that you cannot save money for your kids’ college fund or to buy a house? Or if you don’t have “good credit” on your e-profile you will not be allowed to enter a shop, I think this is happening in Korea, forgive me I if I am mistaken. Who will make all these decisions???Is that the future we want??
Thank you