Digital Twins for Sustainable Cities

Digital Twins for Sustainable Cities

The Air Force and other military organisations have spent tens of millions of dollars on fighter jets. The cost of a NASA space mission can easily reach the hundreds of millions of dollars. Those authorities must guarantee that they are using dependable machines and systems, particularly if they are needed in war zones or for important missions to Mars.

Say Hello to Digital Twins! Digital twins use a variety of technologies to generate full-scale digital replicas of real-world items and processes, which can aid organisations in determining how well they are doing and when they are likely to fail. As a result, reliability improves and costs are reduced.

Back in 1970, NASA famously constructed an early form of a digital twin to help anticipate the consequences of the Apollo 13 mission. Simply said, a digital twin is a digital or virtual model of a real-world thing that matches its performance, allowing the digital twin's designer to discover where the asset — a jet engine, a turbine, a vehicle, etc. — operates well and where it does not.

According to Gartner, 50% of big industrial organisations will deploy digital twins by 2021, resulting in a 10% increase in efficiency.

Smart cities and sustainable buildings

Consider a world in which all of your infrastructure assets are seamlessly connected, tracked, and accessed. By doing so, you'll be able to create a genuinely artificially intelligent building or simulate outcomes using all of the related data. Digital twins and smart cities would allow for a digital depiction of the current condition of the transportation network based on sensors that track where cars are and forecast future traffic patterns.

The twin's projections would be based on what it has learnt from historical traffic patterns on the city's network. You can take actions to improve flow if you can estimate how the network will look in the near future. As nations address climate change this trend will be driven primarily by the need to reorganize cities around the world as a platform to promote and catalyze the creation of local, livable zero-carbon economies.

Cities will be able to more precisely model what a new sustainable future will look like using digital twins, and then carry out that vision to fruition.


