Digital Twins
“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”
-Arundathi Roy-
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) surrounds us connecting distant strangers all over the world. Enabling the transmission of various digitized data, expanding the world, and making it possible for many people to cooperate with each other.
Digital Twin Computing (DTC) achieves new digital societies that fuse real and virtual worlds. Digital twins, which connect the real world with cyberspace, have been achieved through advances in the Internet of Things and other information and communication technologies.
A digital twin is a mapping process that accurately represents in cyberspace the shape, state, function of a real-world human.
The digital twin is an autonomous agent which is an intelligent agent operating on an owner’s behalf - a human - but without any interference of that ownership entity.
A digital twin is a software system, a lump of data that expresses a target human or object. Software functions operate autonomously by interacting with other twins.
It can also enable mutual interactions in cyberspace that include the inner state of humans, i.e., thoughts and decisions of individuals, above and beyond the physical reproduction of the real world.
The purpose of DTC is not only to format a large and physically unthinkable digitized reality unaltered with conventional digital twins but also to create worlds that do not exist.
Humans can now live in both real and virtual societies. With DTC social issues are not hindered in either real or virtual worlds.
Artificial Intelligence is intended to improve people’s quality of life. Therefore humans should always be considered an essential part of technology systems.
Digital twins will be able to form virtual societies, which in turn feedback data to real entities transforming part of cyber-physical systems through unification with the real.
As with all relationships, trust is expected to be an issue with the autonomous agents - our digital twins. We now have a virtual twin that knows and feels our deepest thoughts and desires perhaps more comprehensively than we do. But unlike humans, the digital twin thinks linearly, making decisions and taking action based on data much too fast for the human mind to comprehend.
Without the human trappings of fear, what if it beautifully changes you?
Real change has and always will start with an individual. An individual who dares to dream of a different world influences people to join him on the quest to get there and takes action accordingly.
By duplicating digital twins of an instance in the real world and placing them in cyberspace, or exchanging or fusing some components between different digital twins, digital twin operations enable the creation of never-before-seen human/object digital twins and allow direct interaction beyond physical laws.
It will be interesting to use derivative digital twins that have been given new knowledge and abilities through fusion and exchange to develop yourself and society by predicting other future possibilities, such as what would happen if you gained new knowledge.
For example, by exchanging your current digital twin with your past digital twin, you could revisit old feelings. Or, by fusion of an olympian digital twin with your digital twin, you could even have feelings based on experiences that could only be previously imagined. DTC can have the ability to convey human feelings at that moment that are inexpressible with words, which will become the form of a new communication that transcends the conventional framework of text, pictures, and video. . .
By duplicating digital twins of an instance in the real world and placing them in cyberspace, digital twin operations enable the creation of never-before-seen human/object digital twins and allow direct interaction beyond physical laws that transcend the real world.
Time has no holiday. Dreams have no expiration date. And life has no pause button! -unknown-
Live it. Love it. Save only these memories which give twinkle in your eyes. -unknown-
About the Author: Restrepo is the CEO of Professional Global Outreach a non-profit organization and owner of RDI Global Services a global government and military defense multidisciplinary research and strategic marketing development firm. Projects include Corporate Technology Commercialization through the U.S. National Laboratories. She is an award-winning multimedia and marketing strategist whose awards include best documentary and public service TV Commercials for the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, served as Consultant for ABC News Investigative Report and Project of the Year Award from the Steel Erectors Association of America.
EDITOR | PUBLISHER Inner Sanctum Vector N360?
4 年Nupur Khamitkar, thank you. Congratulations on your recent accomplishment!!!! Linda
EDITOR | PUBLISHER Inner Sanctum Vector N360?
4 年COL James "Mike" Stephens, MBA, thank you. Linda
EDITOR | PUBLISHER Inner Sanctum Vector N360?
4 年@Matte H, thank you. Linda
EDITOR | PUBLISHER Inner Sanctum Vector N360?
4 年Len Swanson, hi Len, thank you. Linda
EDITOR | PUBLISHER Inner Sanctum Vector N360?
4 年Dr.Sumant S. Kulshreshtha P.T., thank you. Linda