Digital Transformation and Why your organization needs it!
Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation and Why your organization needs it!

In just a few years, digital transformation has evolved from a general concept preached upon by CIOs, evangelists, and conference speakers into something demanded by business executives and board members.

So I ask potential new customers and existing; Why aren't you doing digital transformation?” And, “You should be doing it now!”The problem is that most have no idea what digital transformation is, and what it isn't.

Here is my take on what digital transformation really means, the progress enterprises have made in utilizing the approach, where the benefits have the biggest impact, and advice on how to achieve those benefits.

The best starting point is in understanding what this transformation is not. Some think that automating a process, providing mobile access, adding a new user interface, or replacing an aging system constitutes transformation. Nope, that's what IT teams have been doing for decades. Those changes are updates, enhancements or upgrades. That technology may be different, but it doesn't really change how business gets done.

Digital transformation begins with a change in thought process for what organization is. I will repeat that "Digital transformation begins with a change in thought process for what organization is". It means rethinking how the business operates and how today's technologies enable that change. For example, rethinking the business could mean examining how customer relationships work and can be improved. It might mean exploring how decisions are made, and how those decisions can take place closer to the customer interface or an employee's desk. Or, it could mean reshaping the business itself to abandon dated business lines and launch new data-driven services.

It boils down to identifying how data -- what you already have and what data you can gather – can help the organization run more efficiently and make the customer relationship more valuable for all parties. The rate of digital transformation adoption certainly has been growing over the past couple years. Meanwhile the definition of transformation and the best practices have been tweaked.

To maximize output of any digitalization project, organizations must treat it as a wider business initiative, rather than a targeted IT transformation.Consider how you can better make and sell more stuff while keeping customers happy and buying. Then it's time to consider how evolving technologies such as analytics, artificial intelligence, edge computing and mobile access can enable those business goals.

This is where change management and training come in to help with a roll out this new way of work. They teach employees how systems work, but not necessarily how to get the most out of them. When your goal is increased productivity and innovation, that’s a big problem. It’s also a potential risk.

I will close by saying digital transformation is more than technical. It’s also procedural and cultural. Now changing culture can take time, but the benefits are worth it. I can confidently say first hand that a shift in culture really drives sustainable business results. I have personally done this over the past 15 years with great success. It can change how thousands of employees do their jobs, make business decisions, and collaborate across the company. In short, digital transformation can change everything.


