Digital Transformation: Transform the "Core"
Manish Pharasi
Transformation & Business Excellence Leader | Expert in Driving Digital Transformation, Innovation, and Continuous Improvement | Transformation Mindset Strategist | Award-Winning Author & Speaker
In the previous article, we learned that “coming up with an entirely new business model to add definite value to each interaction the customer has with the organization is the essence of Digital Transformation”. In this article, lets elaborate and understand this in more detail.
What Digital Transformation should really 'Transform'
To get maximum gains for business, Digital Transformation should be more focused at transforming the core of the business and not just the context of the business. So what do we mean by "core" and "context" of a business? Let me take example of Hindi Cinema megastar Amitabh Bachchan to explain the difference between the two.
Amitabh Bachchan’s core business is his acting, and his context business is marketing viz. the advertisements he does and his other marketing activities. While advertisements generate a huge amount of money for him, however there would be no marketing (context) without his acting (core). Its been the constant evolution & reinvention of his “core” that has kept him at the forefront for more than 50 years. Hence, the “context” still lives on as a periphery to the “core”. On the other hand, assume that he had not constantly reinvented his “core” and had just focused on transforming his marketing activities (context). It might have fetched him returns for some time but would not have survived for the long run in the absence of a transformed core.
Most organizations, in the name of Digital Transformation, actually take up Digitalization of functions like Finance, HR, Sales, Marketing. This is not transformation but at large simplification of processes of what in effect constitutes “context” of the business. Most organizations start by Digitalization of these context functions and tend to remain there and miss out on transforming the core. Core is the ways in which the organization makes money (business model) and the manner it engages with its customers (customer experience).
Digital transformation thus demands discovery of new business models and a complete overhaul of core processes and capabilities. It needs a complete removal of “corporate body parts” not with the aim of “replacing” them but to create much faster, stronger and more efficient “body parts”. These "body parts" can then either help meet the same objectives in a totally different way or help in doing completely new things.
Transformation of "Core" : An Illustration
An example which all of us can related to is Amazon. Lets look at how the company has constantly evolved and transformed its “core”:
- It started in 1995 with an objective to sell books at low prices using internet. Thus it posed a big challenge for brick and mortar book stores which had huge fixed costs. With success in books the founder, Jeff Bezos realized that people shopping for other types of goods would also appreciate this online selling. Hence, a large no of other categories of products like toys, DVDs, consumer goods, electronics etc. were added. The convenience and low cost to the customers posed a serious threat to traditional retailers like Sears, Walmart etc.
- In the year 2000, Bezos opened up amazon for third party sellers. This was transformation of amazon from an online retailer to an online platform.
- Realizing early the trend of consumers buying digital music instead of CDs, Amazon launched its video-on-demand service an year before Netflix introduced video streaming. Here again, Amazon followed its customers and quickly shifted from selling CDs and DVDs to offering streaming services. It earned Amazon totally new set of competitors in Apple and Netflix !
- In 2011 Amazon launched, Amazon Studios with an objective to produce original motion-picture content. This was again transforming its business model and it helped amazon convert viewers into shoppers. Infact, Jeff Bezos remarked once "when we win a Golden Globe award, it helps us sell more shoes!". The original content of Amazon studios also gets Amazon more "Prime members" and this generates close to $8 billion in annual revenue for the company.
- In 2014, Amazon launched Echo, commonly known as Alexa, which is a voice activated virtual assistant. It is being used to stream music, answer queries, provide information and also order products from Amazon. With voice becoming computing interface for consumers, Amazon has positioned itself very well with Echo.
- Finally, lets talk about a step which was the most controversial one. This was Amazon's decision to enter into cloud-computing with the launch of Amazon Web Services (AWS). This was considered to be a very risky move. However, AWS has helped amazon scale up its technology for growth. It has been enabling Amazon to continue developing its technology capability and also monetize it at the same time. AWS generates close to $17.5 billion in revenues for Amazon today.
Thus, what we can clearly observe is how Amazon successfully kept broadening the scope of its business while continually focusing on the evolving customer needs. One can understand the true impact of this on Amazon's stock price and valuation Since its inception, the amazon's stock price has grown by almost 60,000 percent.
In conclusion, I would reiterate that key lesson that companies like Amazon offer is as follows:
"To leverage the real power of Digital Transformation, an organization needs to focus and transform its core. This transformation of the core has to be in alignment with both stated and unstated (latent) customer needs"
Brilliant article Manish..... your examples make it easier to understand