Digital Transformation or Mindset Transformation?
Are we living the beginning of a Digital Transformation or is it just a Mindset Transformation momentum? That is the question business is struggling to understand in their path to the so called IT Modernisation. If we look back we can easily understand that Digital Transformation has been there for at least a decade, since web 2.0 arose. I believe Digital Transformation started as soon as we moved from analog to digital. But lets give a chance to the Digital Transformation fans. So, what changed in the last decade to justify the big buzz around Digital Transformation? The answer is simple: Human mindset, expectations and behaviour using digital artefacts. Ten years ago a User would perceive something simple, such as receiving a confirmation email as an immediate, transparent and innovative feature. Nowadays, a User considers mandatory to receive a confirmation email after any purchase. But why? Because Digital Users became “smarter” and more aware of technology capabilities. Users' expectations are higher than ever. Ten years ago Service Providers would look at their Clients as passive Users, that would accept any piece of software they delivered as long as it had something useful or cool. Today, Service Providers are ruled by the Users' will and needs. Users are no longer passive and the game has changed. Service Providers are struggling to find technological solutions to empower Users and make them more “independent”. Users' perception of value in digital services changed from “anything digital is good” to “give me what I need in digital”. Therefore, the only observable transformation from my perspective is a mindset shift.
Learning Experience Designer
8 年“A tecnologia n?o determina a sociedade, nem a sociedade escreve o curso da transforma??o tecnológica, uma vez que muitos fatores, inclusive criatividade e iniciativa empreendedora intervêm no processo de descoberta científica, inova??o tecnológica e aplica??es sociais, de forma que o resultado final depende de um complexo padr?o interativo” (Castells, 1999).
Administrador de Sistemas | ACIN
8 年Eu diria que há claramente ideias inovadoras que transformadas em negócio provocam a tal mudan?a de mentalidade. Por exemplo quantos de nós esqueceram-se já da ultima vez que foram ao balc?o do seu banco para tratar de qualquer assunto. Mas existe sempre aspetos resistentes ou seja, se eu entrar numa livraria, pegar num livro e sentar-me a ler as primeiras páginas e sentir toda a envolvente emocional que o livro me transmite, provavelmente isso transformar-se-á no desejo de o adquiri. Nenhuma plataforma online provoca isso. Ou seja n?o estou certo que a tal mudan?a de mentalidade seja apenas fruto da evolu??o tecnológica ou a perda de valores que hoje em dia ninguém ensina aos mais novos.