Don't forget the past...
Starting at the beginning of the 20th Century, the emergence of advanced ideas and industrial technology forever transformed the way the world worked. Not only did it work more efficiently, but newer concepts and ideas were forged that enhanced the way the entire world worked as a whole. This is important to keep in mind because, too often, there are a lot of people in the world that are totally unaware of the dramatic changes that are necessary to advance and overcome whatever came before. While these people are often not intimidated they are suddenly inspired whenever new technology emerges. Now, in the present era, we're seeing several critical components of the modern zeitgeist that are leading to dramatic changes in what might otherwise be called the "Digital Transformation."
The one of the biggest shifts has to do with Big Data. This is a concept that underscores the emergence of data infrastructure and how commodifying the gathering and storage of data is leading to a big business. While this data would otherwise not be so lucrative, in recent years, as corporations move to consolidate and store as much data as possible, it has become a major business operation for many corporations. The commodification of personal data has also led to major companies storing this data, only to sell it off to the highest bidder.
Another trend that is contributing to the digital transformation of society is the emergence of AI and specifically Machine Learning. This is a trend that otherwise describes how machines and artificial intelligence are becoming so smart that they are essentially becoming sentient in many respects. While most machines are incapable of these kinds of advances, they are currently on their way to making major strides that would otherwise not be possible in previous eras. In many ways, these machines could easily replace human contact or vastly modify how people communicate with one another.
As with any of the other previous eras of tremendous technological advancement, we're seeing tremendous strides due in large part to the importance of vision. People with a vision for the future realize just how critical it is to look at what's coming next and having a desire and drive to be greater and better than we were in the past. Without a doubt, it is an incredible time to be alive and to witness this digital transformation come full circle.