Digital Transformation - It's far more than the cloud
William Morrish
Continuous offensive security - Breaking into the world's most progressive enterprises. Every day.
I was in the US a few weeks ago at Cloud Expo New York where all of the talk was (as you'd expect) about cloud, but interestingly most of it wasn't about the public cloud giants of AWS or Azure - it was all about what the enterprise does with architecture that won't/can't/ever move into the public platforms, and how all IT architecture needs to be integrated.
I had a short interview on, take a look below:
The requirement to revolutionise enterprise IT is a pressing one for all involved, and it seems that (at last) there is now a realisation that the continual push for 'the cloud' is starting to fall on some deaf ears, as a large amount of enterprise IT just isn't ready, or isn't comfortable sitting in the public cloud domain.
We at Interoute understand that this isn't about one technology or solution, its about the reinvention of IT within the enterprise. This is why our Digital Enterprise Platform is an integrated suite of cloud, network and other IT services - It provides a true hybrid of all the things you are promised from the public cloud (burstable, flexible, global, scalable) but built into a huge global private network, providing you with a platform that is analogous with your existing estate whilst being an ideal replacement for it - meaning we take on the IT architecture and you focus on what makes your business cheaper/better/faster/smarter/different.
I'm always interested to hear how people are approaching the re-delivery of their IT, if you've got any challenges or thoughts do get in touch.