Digital Transformation done right
Steve Plummer
Strategist & Digital Roadmapping Specialist, International Digital Transformation trainer and speaker, leadership training, coaching and NXD
What a Digitally Transformational Year 2017 has been for all at After Digital.
Over the last 12 months, I have had the honour to lead a small and talented team delivering strategic Digital Transformation (or Digital Evolution as we like to think of it) work for a host of exciting and very disparate clients.
From The Royal Academy of Dance to Affinity for Business, SCDI to National Theatre Scotland we have made a whole series of recommendations, offered action orientated roadmaps, outcome driven plans and fully Cost/Benefit/Risk analysed tasks.
We have completed in excess of 40 workshops, to over 500 people, written 100,000's of words, collated over 100 appendices but most importantly we have guided our clients to a more robust and scalable digital future that is user centred, ROI focussed and staff orientated. We've lent on nearly a century of digital expertise ( I am that old) using every department in the agency across the project to ensure we get the best expert advice and insight.
Our process continues to be refined to a lean mean fighting machine and our reports continue to be edited into more and more usable formats as we work with our clients. Every report tailored to their needs and centred around their measures of success.
However, the biggest buzz from this year has been seeing our roadmaps being rolled out and having an immediate impact on the businesses and organisations we work with.
That and the referrals we get.
I hope that 2018 proves to be as fruitful, inspiring, intellectually stimulating and ultimately rewarding for our clients as the last 12 months.
#DigitalTransformation #DigitalConsulting DigitalEvolution #DigitalRoadmaps #DigitalStrategy #AfterDigital