Digital Transformation
For me digital transformation is much more than a digital transformation. It does not cover software only, but reach beyond it, empower people. Digital transformation encompasses business transformation at the first place.
Digital technology would rather be an enabler for people to advance and achieve more. Today, most of the staff are scared away by the technology changes, and it is absolutely wrong point of view. At least I learned it in very early phases of my own journey in digital.
Why do we need digital transformation?
We do business for clients and our services or products are for clients, consequently, a client-centric strategy for business helps to win more business, more profits. Here comes Digital Transformation which mainly help companies to become more client centric. It helps to transform towards ‘customer economy’ and be genuinely customer driven and gain business benefits of it in profitable manner utilizing digital technologies.
Somehow digital technology innovations blended with highlighting importance of change management and internal communications create the planned transformation, or at least part of it. Most businesses are still at the start of a digital transformation journey, all excitement is still ahead.
#digitaltransformation #businesstransformation #businessandmanagement