Will Digital Transformation affect Humans and the rest as well?
Abhay Bhosale
Technical Lead and part of Solution Designing team for Emoscape at Nihilent Ltd.
So what really is Digital Transformation?
- Digital Transformation is integration of digital technologies in all areas whether it be businesses, manufacturing, research, travel or cultures. It is integration of digital technologies in our daily lives so as to improve our processes in a way that would benefit us as an overall.
So how is it different than what we are used to do?
- Technology is just an 'add-on' in our lives which is said & supposed to make our ventures easier & better. Since the advent of first Industrial Revolution, technologies have been constantly evolving from mechanical to electrical to digital. This has not just aided us towards living comfortable lives, but also as an enhancement towards the betterment of the human society. On a very high level, technology helps us to do same things which we did previously, but now in a more easier and affordable way. Digital Transformation is more of an enhancement to the technical stack which everyone utilizes (knowingly or unknowingly) to comfort our lives even more and takes us one more step ahead towards innovation and emancipation.
Where is it heading us towards?
- The more Technology innovates itself, the better, faster and accessible it is for a novice person. This not only helps us to improve our existing lifestyle, but also helps us to cover-up the erosion which we have done till date on our Planet.
As Technology improves -
- It will help us reside on other planets, which will make our species multi planetary. This in turn will aid us to focus on one thing at a time as a species, instead of compromising our personal lifestyles for the benefits of the crowd.
- It will help convert our daily chores as background worker threads which no human would need to take care of anymore.
- It will free us and reduce being reliant on others and hence, avoid those dependencies for our living. Just like what Jack Ma said in a recent debate with Elon Musk -
Humans will get more time to focus on themselves instead of working for an entire lifetime for the hard-earned profits, which they won't even consume later.
How is the rest affected?
- Apart from Humans as a species, technology has not been much of an upper-hand for other species. Animals are facing their life-threatening crisis in this decade, and it keeps ongoing until and unless, environmental or animal friends lend a helping hand towards them. Also, Climate crisis on Earth is not anymore a new topic. Since past few years, we have been experiencing climate changes at a never-before-experienced level.
Evolving technologies, like from inventing glass bottles to plastic bottles is what has made our species maneuver to create waste which now harms us and everyone else. But this same evolving leap of technology has brings new innovations on the table, like - Eco-friendly bottles, Electric cars instead of diesel/petrol cars and so on. Digital Transformation on similar lines, lends a helping hand towards the rest of species, by helping implement these new technologies in an Eco-friendly and needful way.
Is Digital Transformation just a Technology Oriented Terminology or will it change our lives the better way?
- Any new advent, is coined as 'Ideal', if and only if it goes hand in hand with everyone - including Humans and the rest of the world. Digital Transformation is this process which will help us bridge those gaps and rollback things which are supposed to be undone.
Digital Transformation brings with it technologies like -
- Big Data
- Cloud Apps, Analytics & Mobile Solutions
- IoT (Internet of Things) & IIoT (Industrial IoT)
- AI (Artificial Intelligence) & ML (Machine Learning)
- RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
- VR (Virtual Reality) & AR (Augmented Reality)
These technologies will not only help us recover our planet by implementing solutions like Electric Cars, Reusable Rockets, Eco-friendly packages or Autonomous drones; but also help us make our lives more comfortable with solutions like real-time Health Monitoring, Autonomous Fire control Systems, Person-free Transactions, Affordable transit Solutions, Smart metering Systems and so on.
What needs to be undone, has to be undone! This is where Digital Transformation steps in!
In a nutshell, Digital Transformation is something which only takes us forward, and not backwards!