Digital Tech Summit 2019
Wow, 3 days of an amazing Digital Tech Summit come to an end. With 800 participants, you can no longer speak of an insider tip for the German tech scene. Already in its second year, the Tech Summit has a permanent place on my list of inspiring events in Germany. This year’s location in the football stadium of the ?Club“ was an intriguingly energizing.
Inspired by the Tech Summit, I prepare a short series of posts with my highlights of the event covering the following headlines:
- Hockey-sticks won’t bring us where we want to go
- Claim back your digital identity
- Believe in something, even if it means to sacrifice everything.
- Machine Learning demystified
- Why philosophy can help in a VUCA world
- We need to tackle the future of mobility together
- Starting a venture? Don’t make every mistake yourself
I will update this article and include the links to the topics one after another.
Meanwhile, it's time to congratulate the winners and participants of the startup pitches and the fabulous hackathon.
We saw awesome pitches with live demos like the voice bot from VITAS automating customer requests on a human-like level. Not convinced? Give it a try and test it yourself. Another great pitch came from Jaakko Nurkka from Cliniserve pitching their solution for nurses to give them more time with patients.
Smart City Systems was the winner of the startup pitches due to its great product/market-fit and a comprehensible plan with a repeatable and scalable business model.
As for the hackathon, we had an intense and energizing time in great challenges in the tracks mobility, sports, and health.
Team Myfit won the prize for best technical implementation with an easy to use prototype of a 3D scan of your feet to match it with the shoe sizes in an online retail store.
Judit Gerlach, Bavarian State Minister for Digital Affairs, had the pleasure not only talking about her great BayFiD initiative, but to present the audience award and the award for the best overall pitch. It went to team Data Pal, addressing the pain to regain sovereignty over one’s own data and thus being able to monetarize the data oneself.
The awesome hosts Hannah Klose and Amiaz Habtu were the sugar coating for the event driving engaging discussion panels and being pitiless timekeeper in the pitches.
I can’t wait to attend DTS 2020.