Digital shackles: Is There New Tamperproof Watch Replace Prisoners Wear Ankle Bracelet GPS Trackers?
Jason Huang (OBD2 and GPS Tracker)
Sales Director at Shenzhen Thinmi Technology
1. Normal ankel bracelet
A few days ago, the "Guardian" published an article reporting on a group of people who committed a crime but were allowed to be released on parole. The condition is that they must wear a GPS monitor on their ankles to restrict where they can and cannot go. Some interviewees believed that although this method gave people some freedom, it was also very cruel.
It's like a rope wrapped around my neck": Willard Biltz was rendered homeless by paying for GPS ankle monitors.
In the United States, the use of GPS monitors to track criminals is increasing. But the wearer said this amounts to a new form of imprisonment.
At around 5 pm every day, 60-year-old Willard Birts (Willard Birts) must find an electrical outlet. Then, he had to wait two hours next to it, waiting for the battery on his ankle monitor to be fully charged. If he lets the battery run out or enters San Mateo County, he may be sent back to prison while awaiting trial.
Bills pays $30 a day—that is, $840 a month—for wearing this cumbersome device. This squeezed all his income and made him homeless.
"It's like a rope wrapped around my neck," he told the Guardian, as a rope snaked across the floor from ankle to wall. "My feet can't go back to the ground."
The latest data shows that the number of people using GPS ankle monitors in the US criminal justice system is increasing-an increase of 140% between 2005 and 2015. The government uses these devices to track the location of individuals to ensure they comply with the release terms, whether they are at home every night after a certain time or avoiding specific places. They seem to provide a tempting alternative to prison and the opportunity to stay outside with their families.
But the wearer called them digital shackles, depriving them of their freedom in cruel and unexpected ways.
"It pretends to be a substitute for imprisonment, but in fact it is a form of imprisonment," said James Kilgore, who is in charge of a challenging project at the Center for Media Justice. Electronic confinement project.
The rules of electronic surveillance vary from county to county and from crime to crime. They are used both before trial and during parole and probation. In some cases, the local county government pays the total cost of this technology—after all, it saves extra beds in prison—while in other cases, the wearer’s cost varies from $10 to $35 per day. Wait.
In addition to economic costs, ankle monitors also introduce new ways for wearers — disproportionately, people from impoverished and socially marginalized communities — will eventually return to prison.
"Once you have the equipment, you will go back to prison because the bus is late, or the battery is dead, or the power is out, etc.," Kilgore said.
Private companies sometimes provide monitoring technology to counties that are short of funds for free, rather than pushing the cost to the wearer.
From January to April 2017, a 38-year-old former office clerk, William Edwards, was asked to pay $25 a day to wear a GPS tracking ankle monitor.
When the police stopped a car in November 2016, Edwards was in the car. The police found drugs in his bag, a gun in the glove box, and arrested two people.
Edwards suffers from chronic myeloid leukemia. He spent his time in the Alameda County Prison in California in December 2016, where his health began to deteriorate. He was released on condition that he was wearing a GPS monitor.
A close-up of an ankle monitor that needs to be charged for several hours a day.
"Just think about the opportunity to go home with someone who cares about you," he said.
Although Edwards was not convicted — the charges were later dropped — he was a prisoner in his own home for several months and was constantly harassed by the LCA company that provided tracking services. LCA requires to know how much money his girlfriend made so that they can calculate their "means survey" costs based on his family income.
"I feel like I'm dealing with mafia loan sharks," he said.
Edwards is using the legal system to fight back. He was part of a class action lawsuit filed against LCA and Alameda County in early August, which accused the county of allowing a private company to make profit-driven decisions about people’s freedom and denying them due process. It accused the LCA of violating federal extortion laws by extorting money from people through threats of imprisonment.
Restricting freedom is the function of the government, but when this service is provided by a private company, there is no public oversight of decision-making. In the case of LCA, there is no transparency in how it decides on fees and how its users ensure that people spend money.
"If a person cannot afford to pay, you will never let a public probation officer threaten him to go to jail," said Phil Telfeyan, who filed the lawsuit. "We won't let private companies do this either."
LCA declined to comment.
These are not panacea
Although the number of people using ankle monitors has skyrocketed, there are not many rigorous studies that show that they can effectively prevent people from absconding or committing crimes again or to protect public safety. However, some studies have shown that they are very helpful in ensuring that sex offenders and drug offenders comply with parole conditions (such as house arrest orders).
In many cases, they put an administrative burden on probation and parole officials, and they must deal with thousands of daily alarms, errors, and false alarms. This "wolf is coming" situation causes officials to miss or ignore important warnings, which means that the public will fall into a false sense of security.
In Colorado, a parole convict named Evan Ebel cut off his ankle monitor before murdering a Denver pizza deliveryman. Later, he found the warden of Colorado and shot him dead at home. The parole officer did not realize that he had left his post without authorization for several days.
In California, the sex offender Phillip Garrido (Phillip Garrido) wore a GPS monitor, and parole agents visited his home at least twice a month. It took the agents 18 years to discover that he had kept Jaycee Dugard in the garden and kidnapped her. During that time, Garrido raped Dugard many times and gave birth to two children, all of whom suffocated to death.
"These are not panacea, but tools," said Matthew DeMichele, an RTI international sociologist who specializes in criminal justice.
This has not prevented several states-Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin-from enacting laws requiring lifetime GPS monitoring of sexual offenders, and the public has little sympathy for them heart.
Sarah Pickard, 32, is such a sexual offender. At the age of 21, she had sex with a 13-year-old boy and was charged with three statutory rapes, for which she confessed.
Picard was sentenced to one month in prison, five years of probation, and 50 hours of community service. She must also register as a sexual offender and complete a treatment program.
She has served her sentence and is now married with two children. Both her therapist and probation officer said she is not a risk to the public. However, like other sexual offenders in Missouri, Picard had to wear a GPS ankle monitor for 24 hours until she was at least 65 years old, when she had the opportunity to apply to the court to remove her. She wore it when she gave birth to her second child.
This device enforces the rules for registering sexual offenders, and if Picard approaches a school or playground, it will issue a warning to the authorities. She is especially allowed to take her children to school, but she is not allowed to participate in some parent-teacher activities, nor can she take her children to the playground.
This device is not waterproof, which means she cannot swim or bathe. To hide it, she avoids wearing shorts or skirts; she has been wearing loose trousers for the past eight years. Wearing boots is also impossible.
"It's hard to imagine wearing it for another 30 years," she said. "Imagine being monitored for most of my life, which is frustrating and disturbing."
Reform advocates say that if society believes that certain people do not need to go to jail, then the focus should be on rehabilitation and reintegration into society. Their argument is that the money spent on electronic surveillance could have been spent on mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and employment support.
"Punitive technology does not solve the fundamental problems people face, nor does it solve why they go to jail," Kilgore said.
Prior to his most recent arrest, Billz was released from life imprisonment for a series of crimes, including robbery and possession of marijuana at the age of 18. His life was back on track.
2. New generation tamperproof Smart watch
Don't you think such an obvious ankle is an insult to someone who wants to reform? Charging on the street, everyone will watching.
Then we developed a new generation smart watch but all with disadvantages of Prisoner Ankle Bracelet, we release new generation YX99 Pro tamperproof smart watch.
- It has all features with ankel bracelet
Include GPS real time tracking, Geo fence, SOS calling, low battery alarm, cut-off alarm, power off alarm, etc.
2. It more humanize, add more functions, and 1500mAh power bank
Added other features, video call, temperature monitoring, heart rate monitoring, pedometer, blood oxygen, take photo, etc. Put on this smart watch, it looks like a normal smart watch.
Beside, it has a 1,500mAh powerbank charger, people no need to charge outside for over 2 hours, the wearer does not need to care about the eyes of others.
3. Best price for free tracking platform, no extra cost
We have whole platform and app, for Regulatory Authority to know the wearer know anytime, not have extra or yearly/monthly fee.
If you have such any kind of business above, you can contact with us and question please contact with us, then we can start the business, or click below to know more:
Graphic Artist / Editor / Admin Assistant
3 年Watched the video. Saw how THICK that thing is. Nobody is ever going to think, "Oh, it's just a smartwatch." It's clearly NOT a standard smartwatch.
Vice President and Co-founder of Lingo Consulting
3 年You make several points about how restrictive and overbearing an ankle monitor is, but then counter those points by saying that they aren't restrictive enough (in the case of someone keeping a prisoner at their house or someone cutting one off and going rogue for a few days before they were noticed missing). You also say that the cost and battery life are the most restrictive features of an ankle monitor, yet you failed to explain why this product eliminates those disadvantages. I think a smart watch is an excellent idea to replace ankle monitors, but I fail to see how the current implementation is much of an improvement over the existing system.
Especialista Proveedores - Asuntos Publicos Nueva Centinela Antofagasta
3 年I still have no information from the monitoring app.