Digital service tax; What you must know!
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Digital service tax; What you must know!

Last year was indeed one of the most disruptive years in recent history at least from a tax point of view. The government gave reprieve due to COVID-19 by reducing the tax threshold and exempting some businesses and individuals from taxes. On the other hand, the government, keen to meet it 2020-2021 budgetary collections target, went ahead with the implementation of its proposal to expand the tax base by introducing the Minimum tax and the Digital service tax through legal notice Number 207 of 2020.

I will focus on the Digital Service Tax by responding to the frequently asked questions that we received towards the end of 2020.

  • What is Digital Service Tax?

Digital service tax(DST) is a tax aimed at digital market providers( individuals who provide platforms that are used to facilitate Digital transactions e.g. Facebook, Instagram etc.) and digital service providers(individuals and businesses that utilize digital services platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to trade or conduct businesses eg. online clothes shops) carrying on business within Kenya.

How is DST tax calculated?

DST is c calculated at the rate of 1.5 % of the gross transaction value (the price paid for receiving the service or utilizing the platform) less Value Added Tax charged.

Who is excluded from Digital service tax?

  1. Any income that is subjected to withholding tax (meaning mostly professional fees, commissions etc that are charged under the Income Tax Act).
  2. Income of a Non-resident earned through the transmission of messages via cable, or radio communication, optic fiber, television broadcast etc.
  3. Income earned from the facilitation of payments, lending, trading of financial instruments, foreign exchange transactions or other activities by banks and institutions regulated and approved by the Central Bank of Kenya.
  4. Online services provided by the government.

How is locality of a provider determined?

  1. If the digital interface terminal (the mode of access of the service e.g. mobile phone tablet, computer etc) is located in Kenya
  2. If the payment for the service of platform is made via a financial institution which is situated in Kenya.
  3. If the Internet Protocol(IP) Address is registered in Kenya or is an international phone code address in Kenya.

How can I find out more about DST?

  1. DST is charged under the Income Tax Act and managed through the Income Tax( Digital service Tax) Regulations 2020. Reading these regulations can offer more clarity.
  2. Speak to the nearest Kenya revenue Authority office in your location.
  3. Consult a registered tax agent at Knight Castle and King through [email protected] on how to plan for the implementation of DST yo ensure compliance and mitigate your transactional risks.


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