Digital Product Ideas That Sound Brilliant At First But Lead To Ruin
A lightbulb full of water.

Digital Product Ideas That Sound Brilliant At First But Lead To Ruin

Electrified water, an invention in the early 1900s, promised miraculous cures for just about anything. As we could have guessed, it failed to deliver. But at the time, it sounded like the next best thing. Similar to electrified water, some digital product ideas sound promising and revolutionary but ultimately derail a project’s success.

Tempting Yet Not-So-Bright Ideas

Don’t let these ideas drag your users and your digital product down.

  • Giving Users Everything They Want (and More): It's tempting to fulfill every user request, but users don’t always know what they need. They’ll ask for interface “fixes” and new or advanced features they won’t really use. Instead of giving in, learn how to interpret their feedback to provide simple, effective solutions that fulfill their needs.
  • Heeding Stakeholder Opinion: Although they mean well, stakeholder input is always business-focused. Blindly following it leads to products that prioritize internal goals over user needs. Learn to say no and prioritize your end user and their tasks for a truly stellar user experience.
  • Committing to Three Clicks or Less: Users don’t care how many clicks a task takes; they only care about speed. Trying to make everything accessible within three clicks is a tall order with little reward. So instead of tracking clicks, measure their time per task. Then help them cut this down, regardless of the number of clicks.

Don’t Waste Time Electrifying Water

Don’t invest time, energy, and resources in digital product ideas that will fall short in the long run. Instead, prioritize understanding users’ needs and creating products that genuinely help them achieve their goals.


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