Digital Product Ideas That Sound Brilliant At First, But Lead to Ruin
User experience experts who turn sites, apps, & software into powerful business tools.
In the early 1900s, electrified water was all the rage. People believed running an electric current through a bowl of water would give it magical properties—from reinvigorating house plants to curing hangovers. When they learned this wasn’t the case, they moved on to the next idea.
Of course you’re always thinking about the next new, amazing thing you can do for our digital products. But some of your ideas will possess about as much benefit as electrified water.
Tempting, Terrible Ideas
Don’t waste time on these ideas—they’ll wreck your site or app.?
Don’t Waste Time
Not everything that sounds like a grand idea is one. Don’t waste your energy, time, and budget on digital ideas that don’t work. Instead, devote yourself to understanding users and their needs. That’s an idea that will never steer you wrong.
Ready to learn more ideas to avoid?
Read the full article: Digital Product Ideas That Sound Brilliant At First, But Lead to Ruin