Digital PR deserves its moment in the spotlight and recognition as its own channel

Digital PR deserves its moment in the spotlight and recognition as its own channel

Welcome to a special edition of our All You Can E-E-A-T newsletter. This week we are joined by Jane Hunt our CEO and Co-founder.

I’ve been working on some form of digital PR for as long as JBH has been around (precisely 11 years this month) and over that time a lot has changed - mostly for the better.

I can’t remember exactly when the term ‘digital PR’ was coined, but it was summer 2018 when JBH decided to rebrand as ‘The Digital PR’ agency, taking our experience of running link building campaigns for some amazing brands to the next level.

As a previous content agency, we could see clearly that digital PR was a fusion of content marketing, SEO and PR, with the primary objective of building those all important backlinks.

In recent years, particularly since the pandemic, the digital PR industry has grown significantly. I believe this specialisation has now fully matured and deserves recognition as a discipline in its own right, standing on equal footing with traditional PR and SEO rather than being seen as just a tactic.

Digital PR is so much more than links and here’s why..

Digital PR is often purely associated with building links, and there are many brands and agencies that think they’re doing digital PR when actually they’re either buying links or they’re conducting old-school outreach to blogs and labelling it as digital PR.

I’m not on board with either - because it's a waste.

It’s a waste of time, it's a waste of money and it's a waste of the potential digital PR can have for a brand.

Let me explain..

At JBH, we’ve seen directly that by delivering digital PR activity (a mix of tactics), we’ve been able to not only build search visibility for brands, we’ve also been able to directly sell products, generate enquiries and subscribers and traction on social media. But also fundamentally we’ve been able to impact BRAND, building awareness, improving brand credibility and recall (for when consumers are ready to buy) and also increasing share of search.

If you’ve read the latest Moz article on the helpful content update and the role the brand plays in SEO, then I’m hoping that you can see the importance of how building the brand goes hand-in-hand with the impact of SEO.

And this is the beauty of digital PR, we’re building links AND we’re building brands, because we’re utilising traditional PR tactics.

Digital PR should be considered its own channel

If you work in digital PR you’re probably tired of having to defend it as purely link building or educating people that digital PR is not the same as buying links and that it can have so many more benefits.

I’m very hopeful that the launch of The Digital PR Playbook (now available to buy on Amazon) will help really elevate digital PR within the marketing world. I want every CMO, CEO and CFO out there to know about the value of this channel and I think this book can shed a lot of light on how digital PR fits into the marketing mix.

It’s taken over 360 days to write, involving our senior team of digital PR, traditional PR and SEO experts, so we’ve come at it from all angles. There’s 224 pages packed full of strategy and insight, actionable tips, and real life examples to get your teeth into.

But don’t just take our word for it..

Reviews of The Digital PR Playbook

“This guide offers a comprehensive and actionable approach to digital PR, covering both strategic foundations and practical tactics.” Beth Nunnington , VP of Global Digital PR at Journey Further.

“If you have been seeking a resource that tells you everything you need to know about building links for SEO with digital PR, look no further.” Eli Schwartz , author of Product-Led SEO.

“This book is a comprehensive resource for marketers, SEO professionals, and public relations practitioners who want to leverage digital PR techniques.” Stephen Waddington , Director, Wadds Inc.

Buy your copy today!



