Digital Olfaction: A Catalyst for Accelerating the Use of Recycled Plastics in the Industry
The automotive industry, constantly seeking sustainability and innovation, is interested in digital olfaction technology.
Artificial Nose: The Next Generation of Olfactory Detection
Detecting odors in automotive plastic materials has long been an uncertain process. Traditional methods, relying on human panels, are marked by significant variability. Olfactory preferences differ from one person to another, making the results often ambiguous. ARYBALLE SA , Grenoble-based startup, works on a digital olfaction tool which could help to find a solution to this challenge. Biochemical sensors and silicon-integrated optics can detect and recognize volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in plastic materials, providing precise olfactory profiles. Encouraging initial results
Initial experiments carried out by Aryballe[1] on virgin and recycled plastics show that these sensors can provide olfactory profiles specific to each material.
This potential ability to provide reproducible measurement of the olfactory qualities of materials using sensors represents a promising solution.
It will make it possible to orientate recycled materials treatment processes and thus increase the proportion of recycled plastics used in the automotive sector. The acceleration of recycled plastics usage in compounds is the main goal of the FAVIA project, in which Aryballe, MATERI'ACT , POLLEN Metrology and IPC - Centre Technique Industriel de la Plasturgie et des Composites are partners.
FAVIA: Towards Sustainable Innovation through Artificial Intelligence
The core of the FAVIA project lies in utilizing artificial intelligence to anticipate and adapt in real-time the formulations and manufacturing parameters of materials containing recycled plastics. The goal is to produce, by 2030, materials with a carbon footprint reduced by 85% compared to current materials. Achieving this requires mastering the inherent variability of recycled materials while ensuring consistent quality that meets industrial standards.
Officially launched on May 2, the FAVIA project (Adaptive Formulation Via Artificial Intelligence), orchestrated by MATERI’ACT, benefits from the financial support of the Région Auvergne-Rh?ne-Alpes , with a mobilization of 3.6 million euros in European structural funds (FEDER).
Cyril Herrier , R&D Director at Aryballe, emphasizes the importance of this project: "Aryballe integrates biochemical sensors, silicon-integrated optics, and data processing to provide a machine olfaction solution, enabling other industries to make better decisions based on VOC analysis data. The FAVIA project is an opportunity to demonstrate the flexibility and versatility of Aryballe's technologies to be integrated into industrial material transformation chains."
The need for innovative and sustainable solutions in the automotive industry is urgent. The market is rapidly evolving, with growing demand for materials with low environmental impact. MATERI’ACT, with its ambition to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of materials, is at the forefront of this transformation. The FAVIA project, with its advances in artificial intelligence and olfaction technology, could be the key to achieving these ambitious goals.
Ingénieur chimiste chez Aryballe