Digital Mining Is Now, Make Sure Your Company Is Ready
How Smart Mining Can Drive Operational Excellence Along With Environmental Sustainability
Since the development and needs of civilization keep changing within the time, mining became one of the most critical industries in the world. The growth of civilization required more and more costs to support mining, oil, or gas operations. The evolution of how the government and business have run so far requires this industry to adapt to changes. For example, the more the population grows, the more the need for fuel.?
Today, the market requires the mining industry to be open to new innovation and modernization. To make this happen, mining companies need to transform fundamentally. Thanks to technological advances that support the mining industry to switch into AI-based operations and take the following benefits by implementing smart mining.?
Reduce operational cost
Cost is at the top of mind of every stakeholder in whatever their industry is. But, not every stakeholder has implemented IoT sensors in their assets and devices. Mining companies have to be aware of how sensors can provide more value to their data management. Assets and devices that are digitized via embedded sensors can transmit data to a centralized location through a wireless network. These benefits allow operators to reduce cost on labor and eliminate the maintenance of expensive cabling. AI also allows the company to connect daily operations with specific objectives of the company to the mining site that can easily be monitored.?
Keep the workforce safe
Mines are often very dangerous places to work for humans. This has been a major issue for years in the mining industry. For example, when dams break, workers around mines can be harmed, even worse, lose their lives. This is why predictive analytics exist, allowing operators to have better insights to prevent any dangerous incidents. They can also be equipped with wireless wearable devices that help them to communicate more effectively and even farther they can warn each other to not go to specific areas of the site if there has been an incident.?
Increase data security
With on-premise data – a wireless network of geophysical sensors that is concentrated in an area on the site being monitored, companies have more control over their data security. It's a better choice rather than having data in a cloud, because this system processes the data in servers near to the site. As a result, the hackers were unable to reach the site, while the operators kept a close eye, monitoring within close reach.
Finding relevance for humanity and environmental mindset
The mining sector has long focused on the objectives covered by the ESG. Their operational and business must be under the common interest in order to protect human rights, the environment, and the quality of the water being used.?
Regarding on McKinsey and Hanifa Indrajaya interview, in the future the mining sector should aspire to have far fewer carbon emissions. As the technology advancements are going to grow, it may affect the industry to be constructed very differently. Companies can choose to reduce fuel consumption with the third D-the decarbonization effort. By utilizing big data, operators can measure and quantify companies’ carbon footprint. Combine, transform, and modernize data centers by switching to renewable energy, implementing efficiency measures and consuming less through virtualization and edge computing.
Besides the challenges and technologies that continue to evolve, importantly mining companies should fundamentally change how they run their business. So, smart mining is the key that brings multiple benefits, including environmental and social sustainability. Let’s collaborate with Telkomsel IoT and contact our expert for more information.