Jose E Marques ???? ???? ????
Leading global decarbonization with cutting edge technology. Bravo Motor Company Brazil. First Gigafactory in LatAm (Brazil). Startup mentor. R&D AI apps. Entrepreneur of 2 of the top 30 EV companies in the world.
Some people call this ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, but the reality is that this technology will improve us. Then, instead of artificial intelligence, it should be EXTENDED INTELLIGENCE.
Far from utopia, where intelligent machines rebel against humans, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly at the service of people. Or, at least, those with competence to take advantage of what these innovations have to offer. As is the case with digital marketing professionals.
In this area, identifying micro and macro trends, mapping consumer behaviors, interpreting data, and having the perfect product at the right time, channel, and location is the basic premise for success. Adding, of course, total customer satisfaction and the best shopping experience possible.
However, for digital marketing to achieve such results it is necessary to make use of a number of tools and strategies. But there is one thing that stands out, creativity and talent. It is precisely in the sum of these processes that artificial intelligence adds to digital marketing, serving as a tool to enhance the outcome of the strategies created.
Technologies available: Anticipating trends is the most important step to gaining prominence in the market. Contrary to what one might think, in the field of artificial intelligence applied to marketing there are already a number of functionalities in force. The main ones being:
Through algorithms and programming codes, softwares are developed to study the interaction and language of people. The aim is to create relationships between brands and consumers that are increasingly natural and personalized.
This result is achieved thanks to technologies such as Natural Language Processing and Speech Recognition, which can be applied in virtual assistants and programs that run in message applications, the famous chatbots.
Talking about chatbots, these solutions are widely used around the world. You may have already interacted with one of them through a company's Facebook page.
Capable of simulating a conversation with a person, this technology optimizes more operational processes, such as registering a demand, forwarding a conversation, or passing the contact of technical assistance to the consumer.
There are currently algorithm solutions that map behavioral patterns to provide insights into buying and content that are more personalized and targeted to a brand's leads.
These solutions work as "filters," capturing information and standards available on the network and making interpretations and tracing possible scenarios.
In the possession of this data, marketing campaigns and actions tend to be more directed, being possible to create niches and subniches of consumers of a certain brand. What enhances the power of segmentation.
Thus, through so-called programmatic media, the resources invested in ads tend to be more optimized and better leveraged. Since it is possible to create customized campaigns, offers and advertisements according to the profile of each segment.
Last year, Amazon surprised the market with the announcement of a totally smart physical store. Dubbed Amazon Go, the store lets the consumer in, get what you want and quit.
The process of recognizing the person, product and quantity chosen and payment is done through a series of technologies, ranging from cameras that recognize the customer, sensors that quantify what has been withdrawn and payment applications.
In addition, CRM software is supplied with information regarding the customer's purchasing profile, indicating products and offers customized for the same. Despite a pilot model, this store is an example of how IA significantly impacts the way businesses relate to consumers.
Companies that operate both online and offline can use these tools to combine the benefits of each channel. Creating an innovative and surprising relationship and buying experience for the customer.
Through automation of tasks, production and condensation of data and metrics, ability to interpret standards, and language learning, AI technologies make the work of digital marketing more effective and targeted.
This leaves the marketer better supported, with a wider range of tools and with more time to do what no software does so well when a person, use creativity to surprise the end customer and achieve expressive results.
We can do a metaphor of artificial intelligence and digital marketing with a Formula 1 car. An inexperienced driver with little talent can pilot the best car that exists that will hardly have a good result. On the other hand, this same car in the hands of a good driver is a sure combination for victory.