Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing.
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Here one thing is common that is marketing. So ultimately we have to market a product or service. The medium may be different. It may be a digital medium or a traditional medium. One thing we need to remember is marketing is more important than the medium. Lets elaborate in detail.
What is Digital Marketing?
Simply, for marketing communication, if we use any digital platform like a website or social media that is called Digital Marketing.
Methods of Digital marketing:
Advantage of Digital Marketing:
Engagement: There are more options for Engagement.
Measurable: It is easy to measure your campaigns.
Targeted: Easily you can target your customer.
Highly Scalable.
Fast feedback loop.
Attribute more easily.
Data and Audience can be tracked instantly.
Cost-Effective ( Low cost).
100 million users.
Disadvantage Of Digital Marketing:
Potentially Annoying: Digital Ads can be annoyed you.
Less Permanent: Customers can ignore ads, so less permanent.
Constantly Evolving: You have to stay connected with it.
For some local businesses or small businesses, it may not be good.
Digital Advertising cost rises.
Ads can not be useful for the person who have ad blockers and use premium services.
What is Traditional Marketing?
Simply, if we market a product or service in the traditional way that is called Traditional Marketing. This method can be used without the internet. Traditional marketing is not only one of the oldest forms of marketing but also one of the most reached.
Methods of Traditional Marketing:
Advantage of Traditional Marketing:
Impactful: It is very impactful and easy to understand.
Permanent: Printed marketing materials are more permanent.
Memorable: Traditional marketing methods are more memorable than others.
Unparalleled brand authority and awareness.
Can be board (Billboards) and very targeted (Direct mail)
Traditional marketing is very effective for an older demographic.
It is good for growing the local business and small business.
TV and radio commercials will paly multiple times and remind the customers of the business.
India has TV’s in 197 million homes out of 298 million homes.
Radio has a search of 65% of the Indian population.
Newspapers have a reach of 465 million people.
The disadvantage of Traditional Marketing:
It is very difficult to measure the campaign.
Sometimes it is very expensive.
There is no direct interaction with the customers.
Slow feedback loop
The result would not come immediately as the campaign would not be tracked.
Can not personalize the communication.
Can not do drip marketing.
Can not do naturally sells.