Digital Marketing Training with DLCF, Akute.
The ultimate test of your knowledge is your capacity to convey it to another. —Professor Richard Feynman
I started my Digital marketing career in 2017 and since then, I have been amazed at the disruption in that space and how I use these tools to help brands meet their business objectives. Last night, I had the opportunity of sharing my digital marketing journey with a group of leaders at the Deeper Life Bible Church, Akute District, Ogun - State. It was an engaging session as we rubbed minds and share how we can leverage the resources on Google Digital Garage to promote our business and make life easier.
I love sharing and making people understand the importance of online opportunities in this digital age, with your phone and data you have the same access to the same resources as someone in other continents of the world
They were very happy as their questions range from Business listing, SEO, Google my business and to how to run ads on social media were assiduously answered.
I have a personal mandate to train 10,000 youths and brings them to speed with the future of works in my community within the next 5 years.
So, Help my God.
All you need to do is just be passionate about learning cool stuff that matters.
See you next month.