Digital Marketing Automation
Big pat on the shoulder for Yuet and the DREA team for breaking boundaries once again. This time, taking the PushAds platform one step further with Leadform Ads on Google and automating HTML5 Ad creation for GDN.
It’s been just a short 3 months since the team launched PushAds at Digitising Real Estate 2016. PushAds combined anonymous deep profiling with remarketing across Facebook and Google into ~70K unique target sets which are specific to property buyer’s preferences. The App itself automates everything, allowing property agents with zero experience to fire highly optimised Ads across Facebook, Search, GDN and Instagram at once in under 60 seconds.
The past 3 months has been exciting for the guys. With PushAds rolled out, they have refined SKAG and RLSE for Search; built in webhooks to allow for real time updates from Facebook LeadAds; automated the inclusion of marketing hooks into the Ad funnel; rolled out Leadform Ads for GDN/GSN to shorten the funnel and just 2 days ago, made it possible for every real estate agents to have their GDN ads run as HTML5 animated ads – no GWD no more :)
The fact that PushAds is now delivering 9x the amount of leads at the same cost is a testament that your efforts have paid off. Great to also see PushAds agents and spend grow. Am sure the traction will make it a lot easier for the local market teams.
Yuet and team, you guys are awesome. Everyone played their part and contributed to the growth of the company. Looking forward to your next product enhancement. Heard that last week’s Digital Marketing Workshop for Agents at Google's Office was a success! Am sure the next one will be as well.
All the best!
Read More about PushAds, DREAlabs or visit DREA