Digital Marketing
Challenges Facing Digital Marketing However, digital marketing is faced with several challenges. First of all, technology keeps changing, thereby affecting the way people go about doing things. What was new yesterday is already old today. This means that businesses must commit themselves to research and development so that they can keep up with market trends. For instance, if a company fails to adapt fast enough its competitor may take advantage of this and come up with better products thus rendering the former obsolete.Secondly, digital media has changed how information is accessed and consumed a great deal over the last few decades. Nowadays almost everyone has access to the internet via their mobile phone devices or laptops or desktop computers making it very difficult for advertisers to get their messages through without getting into any spam folders where no one will read them. Consequently, many customers find themselves bombarded by advertisements which makes them ignore most of them leading to low conversion rates among such summary, because of the pervasiveness of technology today it is hard for anyone not to be aware about it as such knowledge has become commonplace among all strata of society including the rich and poor alike. Simply put, a brand’s choice between utilizing traditional or digital channels will depend on whether they want to use a linear approach or dynamic one based on this perspective.@DIDM(Delhi Institute Of Digital Marketing ) Delhi Institute of Digital Marketing (DIDM)