Digital legacy planning for Google

Digital legacy planning for Google

Welcome to Digital Legacy Planning by Zenplans. Each edition explores a key digital asset, what happens to it after death, and how proactive planning can help your clients protect their digital legacy. This time we’re focusing on Google and its Inactive Account Manager feature.

Why Should Clients Plan Ahead for Google Accounts?

Google accounts can hold a huge amount of personal and professional data - emails, photos, documents, and even YouTube videos. Without planning, this information could be lost or difficult for loved ones to access.

Google’s Inactive Account Manager allows users to decide what happens to their data if their account remains inactive after a chosen period of time. Setting it up ensures that important files are either passed on to trusted people or securely deleted, making digital estate planning much simpler.

What Happens to a Google Account When a Client Dies?

If a Google account is left inactive for two years, Google may delete it along with all its data - including Gmail, Google Drive, and Photos. This can happen automatically unless the user has set up the Inactive Account Manager or logged in within that time.

For families trying to access a loved ones's account, Google has a request process, but it’s not guaranteed. Even with documents like a death certificate and legal proof of authority, access is handled case by case and may not be approved.

Setting up Google's Inactive Account Manager is the best way to ensure an account is handled according to a client's wishes, preventing unexpected deletion or long delays.

About Inactive Account Manager

Google's Inactive Account Manager lets your clients decide what happens to their account and data if they stop using it. Here are the key features to consider:

  • Set an Inactivity Period: Choose between 3 and 18 months before the account is marked inactive.
  • Nominate Trusted Contacts: Add up to 10 people who can receive selected data, like photos or documents.
  • Opt for Account Deletion: Choose to have the account permanently deleted instead of passing on data.
  • Get Reminders: Google will send notifications before taking any action, giving users a chance to log in and reset the inactivity timer.

Access Google’s Inactive Account Manager here

How Can You Help Clients Plan Ahead?

  1. Explain the Benefits: Help clients understand how the Inactive Account Manager works and why it’s useful.
  2. Guide Contact Selection: Encourage clients to choose trusted people who should receive access to their data.
  3. Define Data Access: Ensure they specify which parts of their account each contact should be able to access.
  4. Communicate Plans: Suggest that clients let their trusted contacts know they’ve been selected.
  5. Review Settings Regularly: Recommend checking their settings occasionally to make updates as needed.

Connect with us to learn how Zenplans can help you integrate tools like Google's Inactive Account Manager into your estate planning services.

Helpful links:

Inactive Google Account Policy

About Inactive Account Manager

Submit a request regarding a deceased user's account


