The Digital Frenzy
Asha P Panicker
Corporate Communications | Content Marketing | Video Content | People & Culture | Social Impact | Top 50 Most Influential Content Marketing Leaders
So with internet at your finger tips or rather taps now, we are going BIG, in the mind! So, how's the time investment utilized?
Loads of information accessible for download in the brain. One link that often leads to ten others and so does one idea that leads to 10 more. 'Bit' by 'Bit', the data starts processing in the mind. Lots of grey 1s and 0s mapping the mind and how?
Data accumulated is swiftly segregated, based on various algorithms that deliver the outcome in different forms. Idea outbursts, scribbled notes, Social media messages (read "Disruptive" messages), business plans, better performance, lots of thrust, increased competitiveness, working harder, personal life on auto-pilot mode and of course 100 more clicks. Phew!.........and Ta Da! We are Digital!
Argh! Why 24 hours only? Seed funding for time required.
Internet downtime? Oxygen please.
Headaches and Backaches? Combiflam's the pal.
Sleepless nights? Data processing.
India Shining! Can't miss the bus Baby!
#Being Digital
Breathe easy guys and give me a smile :)