Digital engineering: BIM and engineering going smarter.
Source: Net Solutions (2024)

Digital engineering: BIM and engineering going smarter.


The first time I heard about digital engineering was in December 2023. I had the privilege to attend an event at which one of the offered presentations was on the subject of (digital engineering), to say I am intrigued, would be an understatement; it opens my eyes on a new world of the ultimate application of BIM and engineering combined to their full potentials.

However, there were a lot of gaps in that presentation on several important subjects such as: what constitutes digital engineering, how to utilize it, what the extent of its application and many more questions that I couldn’t get a satisfying answer to them when I asked the presenters about them.

Also, I had a feeling that the presenters themselves weren’t 100% sure about the answers they provided, they were experts in the field but even the experts couldn’t unify behind a particular definition or scope.

Plus, I wasn’t comfortable with the loose use of the word “engineering" here.

I am a professional engineer in Canada where the title “engineer” and various derivatives of it is a reserved title that is exclusively designated to entities and individuals by the Province Representative body of that profession and no one else; moreover, any misuse of that word is illegal for the sake of the protection of the public.?

Furthermore, Quebec engineering law, article 2, defines the activities that are reserved for the engineer as:

  • Determine the concepts, parameters, equations, or models which make it possible to anticipate the behavior of structures, materials, processes, or systems.
  • Performing tests or calculations that require using models derived from engineering principles.
  • Supervising work, particularly for the purpose of producing a certificate of compliance required under an Act.
  • Inspecting works.
  • Preparing, modifying, signing, and sealing plans, estimates, reports, calculations, studies, drawings, operating or maintenance manuals, decommissioning plans, or specifications.
  • Giving opinions and signing and sealing written opinions relating to a professional activity.

Many of the activities mentioned in the article above, were presented as examples in the mentioned above presentation and, also the presenters failed to fill the gaps in the utilization of digital engineering to help with the task-mentioned article 2 of Quebec engineering law.

So, I thought, as both a professional engineer and a BIM coordinator, maybe I should do my own research and, oh man, that was a whole new world to me at which I felt Canada was really left behind and there is a lot of work, development and research needed to be done to be able to effectively identify it scope, benefits, and applications.

One thing for starters, BIM is not the main component of the data structure of digital engineering; it’s an important component of digital engineering which plays a critical role by providing a data-rich 3D representation of the project facilities that helps forming a reliable basis for decisions makings during project life cycle.

However, digital engineering includes other components, such as GIS, drawing, specifications, studies, reports and other information deliverables; at which all are integrated using advanced technology, data management, and collaborative processes.

All this data gets placed in a common data model where databases is placed and from where meta-data get analyzed from different points of view, including:

  • Technically: issues frequency can be detected, and an alternative solution may be proposed.
  • Economically: costs of successive iterations can be compared, and future costs can be estimated to optimize resources.

And with the interoperability of different data platforms and models, the impact that digital engineering effect could be summarized for the time being into two categories:

  • Automation of activities and process.
  • Optimization and supporting of existing activities and processes.

In the coming chapters, we will discuss digital engineering in further detail, including subjects, such as:

  1. Defining and differentiating between the concepts of digital engineering and digital construction.
  2. Establishing a benefit management system that helps identifying the scope of and how to exploit digital engineering to get the best outcomes considering available means and conditions.
  3. Identifying some of digital engineering Supporting tools and technologies
  4. Identifying examples of application workflow of digital engineering.

Chapter 1 - Definitions and Scopes

1.1-?????? Digital engineering

What is digital engineering? Will so far, I found several definitions for it:

  • Golizadeh et al. (2018) paper defines digital engineering as “integrating multiple digital technologies—integrating digitization—based on Building Information Modeling (BIM) to harness the full potential of these applications.”

  • Transport for New South Wales, Digital Engineering Standard (TfNSW, 2022), defines it as “a collaborative way of working, using digital processes that enable more productive methods of planning, constructing, operating and maintaining TfNSW’s assets.”
  • In the definition provided in VDAS (Office of Projects Victoria, 2019), “Digital engineering is a convergence of emerging technologies such as building information modeling (BIM), geographic information systems (GIS) and other related systems for deriving better business, project and asset management outcomes.”

And those are the definition I got from scientific papers, the fact is you could google digital engineering and get a lot of definitions from all sorts of sources; however, overall, what been realized about digital engineering is:

  1. It’s a holistic business concept that encircles both a business approach and engineering toolsets to apply scientific methods to large datasets for problem solving.
  2. It’s an industry-agnostic term for facilitating knowledge transfer to construction from other industries where digital technologies have been highly developed, tested and diffused across them.
  3. It encompasses tools such as: drone imagery, augmented and virtual reality, internet of things sensors, advanced building materials and even artificial intelligence and machine learning, all to building up the data that forms and informs a digital twin.
  4. The structure of the digital engineering framework is founded on the information principles of ISO 19650 including building information modeling (BIM) and information management using building information modeling.
  5. Digital engineers will need both traditional engineering skills and modeling software know-how, including knowledge of 3D modeling and data-science techniques; And those are a huge number of skills that is rare to be encompassed by a single individual, so, developing a team of several personal with the needed set of skills, is required.

Figure 1: Digital Engineering Framework. (Source: TfNSW, 2022, page: 18)

Furthermore, according to (TfNSW, 2022) Digital engineering is built up on the following principles:

  • Single Source of truth – Ensuring service and asset data is accurate, current, reliable and not duplicated.
  • Collaboration – Increasing access and sharing and reducing latency for improved decision-making.
  • Automation – Reducing or eliminating manual work associated with creating or sharing data.
  • Interoperability – Reducing or eliminating double handling of data between systems.
  • Mobility – Enabling accessing and inserting data from multiple locations including from the site.
  • Visualization – Incorporating methods to develop, coordinate and check service and asset data spatially.
  • Data Governance – Comply with information management policies, including open data, data information custodianship and information security.

Also, according to that same document, the scope of digital engineering for the time being is:

o?? BIM for operation and maintenance.

o?? Advanced building materials.

o?? Pre-fabrication and modular construction.

o?? 3D printing and additive manufacturing.

o?? Autonomous construction.

o?? Augmented reality.

o?? Big data and predictive analysis.

o?? Wireless monitoring and connected equipment.

o?? Cloud and real-time collaboration.

But considering those complexities and probable huge time and resources investments here, one might wonder, what the return on investment here? the Key Benefits of Digital Engineering can be summarized in three points:

  1. Improved Project Performance By automating tasks and optimizing workflows.
  2. Greater Project Visibility achieved through: Centralized data storage, Collaborative model development and Cloud platforms to provide tools and services for all project stakeholders beyond the BIM professionals.
  3. Informed Decision-making by Improving the understanding of design intent and project requirements.

However, as there are a lot of challenges and setting digital engineering features could be costly, an analysis of challenges and benefits is needed to mitigate risks and optimized the value of investment in digital engineering, which will be discussed in the next chapter.

1.2- Digital construction

While it seems that digital construction and digital engineering are similar, they are different concepts.

One of the biggest differences between them is the scope. While digital engineering is a process that mostly works in the design phase, covering the initial project model infrastructure matters, digital construction is applied to all over the project life cycle.

Digital Construction is the application of digital tools to improve the process of delivering and operating the built environment of the construction project. Basically, it’s a process of improving different stages of a construction project life cycle by using various digital tools throughout the project’s creation.

And as there can be no real integration of the physical and digital built environments without consideration being given to the construction environment and how the construction gets processed; digital construction helps in improving the overall working environment at different project stages along with improving collaboration, boosting efficiency, and other key benefits.

Also, some of it advantages includes:

  • Business streamlining.
  • Workflow improvements.
  • Enhance clarity and certainty.

Digital Construction has many different configurations. However, as per my finding, there are two main types:

  1. Communication facilitator forms.
  2. Manufacturing processes improvement forms.

Chapter 2- Challenges and Benefits

2.1- Challenges

Generally speaking, some of the main problems that could be faced in utilizing digital engineering are:

  • Handling of big data files.
  • The integration of new data non-related with the modeled object.
  • Interchange of data without losing information.

And that not considering that the traditional construction bottlenecks such as the lack of financial and skilled human resources.

Which also confirmed in Le?niak et al. (2021) analysis, which shows that the biggest challenge to implementation of digital technologies are lack of skills and awareness followed by financial and time costs of acquiring and building the needed tools, documentation, software, employee training and specialists for the effective utilization of digital technologies.

However, there is also another layer of challenges, which involve the construction discipline itself; for example, on major civil and infrastructure discipline I noticed two types of challenges:

  • Modeling issues:

  1. Most of available modeling software’s are not adapted to infrastructure modeling.
  2. Available modeling software’s lack the functionality needed to be effectively implemented in utilized technologies.
  3. The interoperability issues of created models to be utilized in different modeling tools and platforms. ?

  • Tools issues: In my research I concentrated on two particular tools that I thought they are the most used in extracting existing data for processing (i.e. LIDAR) and exporting and representing proposed data in the field (i.e., Virtual/Augmented reality), so we have two subcategory issues here:

  1. Obtaining existing data: difficulties in separation features from each other’s, irregular point distribution and variations of patterns and The lack of effective automated system that detects errors and correct them.
  2. Representing proposed data: technical challenges such as measurement credibility, real-time fidelity, and integration challenges as specific models and elements might be non-interoperable.

There is also other set of challenges that can be noticed in the table below.

Table 1: Summary of achievements and challenges in AR/VR implementation (Schiavi et al., 2022, page: 17)

But after all these complexities and costs. You would ask yourself, is getting engaged in digital engineering worth it? Do we need all the features that digital engineering can offer? And what differentiates a good investment from mindlessly following trends? That where benefit management analysis steps in.

2.2- Benefits

According to Love et al. (2019) Bill Gates once said, “the first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency; the second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.”

Basically, it’s not about the tool, it is about how you use it. Which magnify the importance of the evaluation process that make explicit, both quantitative and qualitative, metrics at various points in time, to measure the impacts of our implementation of the desired technology.

Here benefits management is required for the active control of, and continuous alignment between project outputs, outcomes, benefits, and organizational strategy.

The deployment of digital engineering is a straightforward process but understanding ‘how’ remains a challenge for organizations. So, we need to set our understanding for realizing the benefits of implementing digital engineering. Love et al. (2019) suggested the following "understandings":

  • The realization of technology benefits will only materialize from its application.
  • Benefits will arise when technology enables the organization and people to do things differently and more efficiently.
  • Benefits result from changes can be only appreciated, evaluated, and demanded from the end users (such as client project managers and others), so it’s crucial to have their support and guidance in implementing new technologies.
  • The misuse and the mis-implementation of technology can produce negative outcomes and may even affect the organization’s competitive positioning.
  • The benefits of a technology will not arise if the organization does not carefully plan and manage against known pitfalls and challenges.

Now that we have an understanding of the intricacies of implementing new technologies. We need to establish our processes. Again, according to Love et al. (2019), the benefits management process comprises five main stages:

  1. Identifying and structuring benefits: The process begins by understanding the business motivations for introducing the technology into the organization and expressing them in business terms.
  2. Planning benefit realization: Decisions regarding ‘how’ the resulting changes requirements may be realized. So, the development of measurements for performance measurements and ongoing assessment will be needed (See figure 2).
  3. Executing the benefit realization plan: at this stage focuses on executing and implementing the planned change management programs that were planned in the last stage.
  4. Evaluating and reviewing results: Benefits are not static and will need to be monitored throughout the lifetime of the system. This requires the process for evaluation of benefits to be dynamic.
  5. Establishing auditing and lesson learned evaluations: The evaluations that are undertaken are an opportunity for learning and identifying potential additional benefits.

Figure 2: Benefits realization planning. (Source : Love et al., 2019, page : 4)

Now that we are aware of the challenges and planning the benefits expected from the implementation of any new technology (including digital engineering), it’s time to ponder into the technologies and tools that represents the body of digital engineering.

Chapter 3- Digital engineering technologies and tools

3.1- Technologies

3.1.1- Digital twinning (DT) definition

The most preferential technology to be used in digital engineering is digital twining, which is a digital model of a physical product (a physical twin) that serves as a digital counterpart of it for practical purposes.

This technology consists of five parts:

  • Physical part: which as mentioned above the basis of the virtual part.
  • Virtual part: The virtual part mirrors the physical part in a controlled setup.
  • The connection’s part: the connections enable data transfer and control.
  • Service part: the system or process through which DT provides a benefit such as simulations, decision-making, monitoring and control of the physical object.
  • The database part: data drives the services to enhance the convenience, reliability, and productivity of the system.

The purpose of digital twinning is to support the organization managing the asset in eventually delivering automation strategies through the provision of high-quality structured data in the project information and asset information models.

3.1.2- DT vs BIM vs CPS

You might think why shouldn’t I consider BIM? Its more common concept that will understood by now; after all, we might think that BIM and digital twinning are synonymous. However, they are different concepts and some key differences between them, includes:

  • DT emphasizes the existence of the physical counterpart while a BIM model does not.
  • A BIM model can represent something that does not exist or have not been built but digital twinning must reflect the physical counterpart's existing state in a timely fashion.

There is also the cyber-physical systems (CPS) concept which is an orchestration of computers and physical systems that include the following:

  • Data-to-information conversion that can infer meaningful information.
  • Cyber that acts as the central information hub to form the machine's network.
  • Reasoning that generates thorough knowledge of the monitored system and gives a proper presentation of the acquired knowledge to expert users to support decision-making.
  • A presentation representing an interpretation from cyberspace to physical.

CPS sounds also looks like a synonym to DT; however, DT differs from CPS in a couple of things:

  • DT requires a virtual model, while CPS does not have to. In other words, DT focuses on “virtual,” while CPS focuses on “cyber.”
  • DT must have a twin relationship between a physical entity and its corresponding virtual entities; however, CPS does require that.

The differences between the three concepts can be more visually presented in table 2.

Table 2: Differences between DT, BIM and CPS (F. Jiang et al., 2021, page: 4)

3.1.3- Digital twinning creation

The most common method for the extraction of raw data for geometric information for the purpose of the creation of a digital twinning is Point clouds from laser scanners and LiDAR.

Data from all sorts of sensors are widely used to provide geometric and non-geometric information (such as type, color, temperature, materials and other data) for DT as well.

It should be understood, however, that due to the diverse characteristics of elements in projects, it’s important to utilize various appropriate DT creation methods.

Throughout the creation of DT, we should make sure to deliver an accurate and efficient digital engineering deliverable; furthermore, final deliverables must include:

  • The project elements georeferenced.
  • The detected point coordinates.
  • The IFCs of the project elements.

A good example of the intricacies of the DT creation process and its application within digital engineering environment can be as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: DT applications in civil engineering (F. Jiang et al., 2021, page: 5)

3.1.4- The utilization of digital twinning

Digital twinning can be utilized to:

o?? Defect detection: Digital twinning provides a visual and efficient way for inspection and defect detection by processing forms of existing data, such as point clouds, digital images VR, game engines and other devices, which can also detect as-built defects and deviations from the original design within proposed models.

o?? Asset monitoring: Digital twinning can provide a visual environment for asset monitoring and management in utilizing sensors to upgrade the data in time to build up the virtual parts from the physical parts.

o?? Analysis and diagnosis: Digital twinning can produce high-fidelity 3D models for simulation and mechanical calculation by creating and employing finite element models. In that case physical-virtual connections can obtain data from physical parts, and DT can provide virtual entities and environment to be analyzed and assessed representing the physical parts.

o?? Decision-making: Digital twinning can represent physical parts in the virtual world which helps in the decision-making process. However, in that case digital engineering should be based on comprehensive data and indicators.

o?? Automatic control: Digital twinning can deliver data from virtual parts to control the physical parts using actuators in-sites.

o?? Retrofitting and demolishing: Digital twinning can establish a virtual version of entities and environments in the real world, including geometric and non-geometric information, paving the way for work related to old existing projects, such as reconstruction, retrofit and demolishing.

Now we have an overall understanding of digital twinning, we can move to the tools that made it work.

3.2- Tools

3.2.1- LiDAR

Point clouds collected through LiDAR are ones of the most used means to capture existing conditions and it’s required to be able to support As-Built BIM projects and by consequence a digital engineering project.

Even Autodesk has integrated the point cloud features to several software packages to be able to exploit it, however, the main method to handle and convert most of point cloud to recognizable file formats and to generate photogrammetric point clouds from images is Autodesk Recap.

And using integrated data within LiDAR, Open sources, GIS ?& DTM ?Barazzetti et al. (2020) proposed the Schematic workflow below, which should help producing the ultimate existing representation that helps in utilizing digital twinning concept. This proposed workflow allows:

  • The classification of airborne LiDAR data.
  • The generation of a vector-based representation for linear or polygonal features.
  • The addition of more geospatial (GIS) data from online repositories.
  • And then integrate all the information in infraWorks DT environment.

Figure 4: Schematic workflow of the proposed procedure of creating an existing model for the digital twinning purposes (Barazzetti et al.,2020, page: 7)

3.2.2- Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

It’s one of the most promising technologies in extracting and representing data for digital engineering purposes and according to Schiavi et al. (2022) there are three main categories for them:

  1. AR/VR mobile: smartphones or tablets with AR marker-based or AR SLAM-based solutions.
  2. AR/VR mobile smart glasses: Google Glasses, Microsoft HoloLens or HMD on optical see-through mode.
  3. AR/VR fixed: system setup with a fixed camera which streams the real world to a monitor with the additional virtual elements.

Examples of AR/VR utilization in construction phases:

  • In design review, proposed design solution is analyzed and evaluated according to the requirements and specifications from the program. AR/VR also allows an effective communication solution during review meetings between designers and clients by making the design specifications well understood.
  • In the construction phase: AR/VR technology is often used to visualize, analyze, and assess design issues in construction phases as well; furthermore, we can effectively perform site monitoring tasks, flag issues from anywhere and plan operation and facility maintenance for this phase & operation and maintenance phase afterword.

Schiavi et al. (2022) also suggested an architectural workflow, that is shown in Figure 5, to optimize the utilization of AR/VR, which, in my opinion, is worth considering.

Figure 5: AR/VR technology workflow architecture (Schiavi et al., 2022, page: 16)

Now that we got an overall understanding of the tools and technologies involved in digital engineering processing, we will discuss examples of designing and construction workflow in the next chapter using the concepts, technologies, and tools we discussed above.

Chapter 4- Workflows examples

4.1- Teams structures

After mapping processes and workflows, you need to engage the right skills and build up work teams that are capable of implementing the set-up processes and workflows and its results as intended.

I got the inspiration for my digital engineering team setting from Liu,B., 2021 paper whom had an intriguing description of a functioning team setting, it might look difficult to apply in a real world setting but, it could be optimal if its.

A digital engineering (DE) team can be set up in a project department.

In the case of a digital engineering work set, along with BIM work, DE project manager is also responsible for the overall deployment and coordination of digital twinning, GIS and needed tools and technologies of that project.

There are Modeling engineers that are assigned for each discipline, and the DE construction director carries out modeling and information input into the DT model for engineering construction and guides the engineering construction on its utilization along with supporting application docking.

DE installation director carries out professional engineering modeling and information input to guide engineering construction and application docking.

DE coordinator is to collect and feed the data of the whole process to the digital twinning model and assist the DE principals in relevant work.

It’s advisable that site personnel to be technology literates and training and guidance at the site will be needed for the sack of optimal implementation of digital engineering principles.

Now that we set up the teams needed to execute the mapped processes and workflows, we can check out some examples of digital engineering application in different disciplines.

4.2- Building workflow

The main subject to be considered for utilizing digital engineering principles, is that each discipline has different characteristics and for the effective utilization of digital engineering we need to use different sets of workflow, solutions, and tools for each.

In the case of buildings, the creation of digital twinning model is fairly easy and there are a lot of tools and technologies that are set up and compatible for their modeling and data processing. The most common used tool here is Autodesk Revit. And you can see few examples of their design methodologies in the Figure 6.

Figure 6: Examples of digital design methodologies (Bazan et al., 2020, page: 3)

However, the creation of digital twinning and the application of digital engineering principles is not as straightforward for civil and infrastructure projects as they have a different more complex nature and there is a lack of effective supporting tools in those disciplines, as you will see in the next sections.

?4.3- Civil and infrastructures workflow

As mentioned in the last section, digital engineering implementation requires more works in civil and infrastructure projects. Let starts with bridge projects for their complexity.

Due to the particularly high amount of work involved in it, it’s important to unify and plan the coordination of information flow prior to model setup.

Here where digital twinning steps in which could be established using data from multiple sources by integrating a variety of data from related existing projects, environment, surroundings, design documents and other sources to assist in conceptual design, preliminary design, and detailed design and construction afterward.

Furthermore, DT needs to be continuously evaluated and upgraded by the design documents and obtained data in the physical world, a good workflow for that can be shown in Figure 7 below which was extracted from F. Jiang et al. (2021).

Figure 7: DT at bridge design stage (Bazan et al., 2020, page: 3)

And once digital twinning of existing condition was set, we can start the design based on that model at which a perfect work sequence will include a combination of different tools and software packages which will assure the satisfying completion of a bride information model, a good example of such workflow can be shown in Figure 8, below.

Figure 8: Examples of bridge design within the context of bridge modeling (Bazan et al., 2020, page: 5)

With this we would have created our DT model which could be updated and leveraged during the construction phase for progress, quality and safety monitoring and management.

We could also set a facility management and exploitation workflow; for which a good example of such workflow is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Proposed facility management and exploitation workflow (Bazan et al., 2020, page: 6)

Suggested workflows for other linear infrastructure is similar to bridge works but less complex. A good example of those is shown in Figure 10 for design methodology and Figure 11 for facility management and exploitation.

Figure 10: Examples of design methodology of a linear work infrastructure. (Bazan et al., 2020, page: 13)
Figure 11: Proposed facility management for maintenance and exploitation of roads (Bazan et al., 2020, page: 14)


That was a long article, and we barely scratched the surface. However, I really enjoyed learning about digital engineering and with the right planning and implementation I believe we could reap a lot of benefits and optimized the objectives and uses of the project we build.

Furthermore, digital engineering could pave the way for even more optimization and able us to find more means to leverage the projects implementing it. ?

According to TfNSW, 2022, the built structured data to support digital twin initiatives will help the realization of the benefits of Smart Infrastructure and Smart city strategies which is the ultimate objective here.

A good example of such strategy is shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: TfNSW proposed structure data support for DT. (Source: TfNSW, 2022, page: 21)

Figure 12: TfNSW proposed structure data support for DT. (Source: TfNSW, 2022, page: 21)

We as an industry could also evolve and promote digital engineering more through:

  • Understanding Digital Delivery Management principles and deliverables
  • Managing contractors and stakeholders’ expectations and feedback on digital engineering delivery and deliverables.
  • Follow and manage innovation.


Adam Stingemore

Chief Development Officer @ Standards Australia | Strategy, Growth, Partnerships

1 年

Thanks for sharing Mohd. Lots to unpack here!

Mohd Q.

Professional Engineer specializing in Digital Twins Modeling and Construction Management

1 年

Thank you guys, much appreciated! It’s completed now!



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