Welcome back to The Digital Edit: your guide to navigating social media's rapid changes from Springboard Communications, the PRCA Agency of the Year. We hope you all enjoyed the Bank Holiday Weekend! As always, if you want to know more,?you can contact us today to unlock the full benefits of our Content Studio and stay ahead with your digital strategy.?
- Did you hear about the recent Google Search document leak? Some of the inner workings of the ranking algorithm have been revealed, including the importance of page titles and how Google Search uses clicks, links, data from Chrome, and brand credibility for search rankings. Even with all the SEO-savvy tricks in the book, credibility isn’t something that you can fake. The Strategy Hub is here to help build your brand’s reputation and deliver success.??
- Google is also shutting down ‘Business Messaging’ on Google My Business profiles. The Chat option on a business’ place card will be disabled on 15 July, and will shut down completely by 31 July.?
- TikTok is launching a ‘floating player’ on desktop that will allow users to keep watching videos on their screens while switching to other tabs. It’s more important than ever that your content is engaging and captures your audience’s attention from the sea of content that is out there. Our Content Studio can help you level up your content strategy.??
- And finally, Facebook has released its quarterly report (Q4 2023) which includes insights on what type of content works on the platform. In a surprise to no one, clickbait and gossip headlines are some of the top-performing content types.??
Want to know more? Reach out to our Senior Digital Executive Chloe Kavanagh today at chloe[at]springboardcommunications.ie?